
during the installation you can switch to another terminal by pressing
Alt-F2. Then execute
  udevadm info /sys/class/net/eno1
I would hope that a line containing eno1np0 would appear in the output.

You might want to add this line to DEBIAN/30-interfaces

set -x

Then you get a lot of debugging output in scripts.lof

regards Thomas

>>>>> On Fri, 31 May 2024 12:09:07 -0700, Robert Moulton <rmoul...@uw.edu> said:

    > This is all that's reported in scripts.log
    > [...]
    > =====   shell: DEBIAN/30-interface   =====
    > Generating netplan configuration for eno1 (dhcp)
    > fcopy: destination etc/resolv.conf remains unchanged
    > [...]

    > How might I go about debugging/troubleshooting further?

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