Beginning in January, the GRALTA Foundation continues its documentary film
series that brings balance and expands our understanding of “The Holy Land


Each film is shown twice:


*       First on Thursday evenings at Bemis Hall (January 2 and 16; February
6 and 20; March 6) at 7 PM


*       Repeated on Sunday afternoons at the Lincoln Public Library (January
5 and 19; February 9 and 23; March 9) at 2 PM


If parking at the “Stone Church” (14 Bedford Road), as you face the church,
please park in spaces to the left of the building.


Series Opener


Israelism (2023|US). January 2 (Bemis Hall) and January 5 (Lincoln Library).
When two young American Jews raised to unconditionally love Israel witness
the way Israel treats Palestinians, they join a movement of young American
Jews battling the old guard to redefine Judaism’s relationship with Israel.
Runtime: 84 minutes Trailer:  


“Eye-opening…an essential exploration of the dramatic shift in Jewish
attitudes toward Israel” (Variety)

**Dual Award Winner**
San Francisco Jewish Film Festival
Best Feature Documentary
Audience Award (Feature Documentary)

Brooklyn International Film Festival
Board of Director’s Spirit Award


Following each screening, there will be time for discussion and questions
for those who wish to stay.


Remaining Films in the Series


*       The Lobby–Part 1 (2017|Qatar) January 16 (Bemis Hall) and January 19
(Lincoln Library). An undercover investigation reveals Israel’s Ministry of
Strategic Affairs, a semi-covert black-ops agency, collusion with an
extensive network of US-based organizations—not registered as foreign agents
as the law requires—to smear, sabotage, and repress Americans’ free speech
rights. Suppressed by Zionist pressure, but ultimately leaked. Runtime: 48
minutes. Trailer: none available


*       My Tree (2021|Canada) February 6 (Bemis Hall) and February 9
(Lincoln Library).  My Tree follows Jason Sherman's journey to find the tree
that was planted in his name in Israel many years earlier. When he discovers
that it stands on the remains of a Palestinian village that was destroyed in
1967, he embarks on another journey—to determine his responsibility in
helping to cover up the destruction. Runtime: 102 minutes. Trailer:  


*         Tantura (2022|Israel) February 20 (Bemis Hall) and February 23
(Lincoln Library). In the war of 1948, hundreds of Palestinian villages were
depopulated. Israelis call it “The War of Independence.” Palestinians call
it 'Nakba"'. The film examines one village- Tantura and why discussion of
the "Nakba" is taboo in Israeli schools and society. Runtime: 94 minutes.


*         The War Around Us (2014|US) March 6 (Bemis Hall) and March 9
(Lincoln Library). This riveting, introspective film focuses on Ayman
Mohyeldin (now an MSNBC anchor) and Sherine Tadros, the only two
international journalists in Gaza when Israel bombarded and invaded in 2008.
A story of friendship under stress, conflict-journalism ethics, and the
catastrophic experience that Gazans lived through during that and in
subsequent wars. Runtime: 77 minutes. Trailer:


Steve Low

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