I appreciate GRALTA's efforts to sponsor what sound like very knowledgeable
speakers on these difficult and fraught issues. I understand the strong
feelings raised by some of the language used in the flyer. However, to me
the bigger moral issue is the disproportionate level of death and
destruction that Israel, with US support, has inflicted on Gaza. It's hard
not to feel that the situation is hopeless, and that the wounds inflicted
on both sides will make peace unattainable for generations to come. As a
Jew who is strongly opposed to Israel's actions, I am heartbroken by the
situation. There are many Jews who share my point of view -- and others who
do not. I think it is important to have these difficult conversations --
strong language and all-- and  welcome the opportunity to hear a range of
ideas about how we might move forward towards a peaceful solution that
recognizes both Palestinian and Israeli rights.
Erica Bronstein
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