Isn't it frustrating and exciting to be involved with, or at least
aware of or even using, something that is still in the process of
developing?  I love EBGaramond, and use it for many of my projects
(using the SC variant in place of bold), but I am eagerly awaiting the
bold release!

~Conor Cook

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Alexander Kobel <>
> To: tisimst <>,
> Cc:
> Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2015 10:45:31 +0100
> Subject: Re: EB Garamond font-series
> On 2015-02-09 05:58, tisimst wrote:
>> This is correct. LibreOffice does fake italic, bold, and bold-italic if
>> that variant doesn't exist. LilyPond, however, makes no attempt at this
>> and just reverts to the closest one that is installed, which is usually
>> the "regular" variant. [...]
>>> On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 4:27 AM, Thomas Spuhler <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>     Are you sure:
>>>     see attachment from libreoffice writer, normal and bold
>>> When there is no bold face present, a word processor might `fake' one
>>> by modifying the regular (roman) face. I don't know if that is what
>>> happened in your attachment, [...]
> Yes - see attached.  If you convert to SVG and open it in Inkscape, you can 
> see how the characters decompose into the original text (with additional 
> spacing between the characters) and an rounded outline.
> Depending on the font, this might yield acceptable results (professionals 
> will probably disagree) or not - what works for Comic Sans does not 
> necessarily work for Zapfino...  IIUC, the less fine details in the font, the 
> less ugly is fake bold.
> I'd refrain from using such a font in a situation where you really need a 
> bold face and cannot resort to small caps and/or different color instead 
> (yes, there are /real/ small caps in EB Garamond, those don't need to be 
> heuristically faked).
> W.r.t. the state of bold in EB Garamond, your guesses are supported by the 
> following entry in the SCM <>:
> Fonts in this repository: [...]
> - EBGaramond12-Bold: Bold font for design size 12pt (very rough/unusable; not 
> included in releases) [...]
> The last commit on those files was 2 years ago.
> Best,
> Alexander
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