Hello everybody,

then it seems I have been deceived by the fact that there is a separate file 
for each bold, italic and bold italic in the .zip provided via the download 
link I sent along. Thanks for the information.
Still, I wonder: I tried it out even in leafpad (ubuntu's simple text editor) 
and it recognised the bold series. Maybe I'd personally accept small 
aesthetical drawbacks in the bold typeface (which isn't used much anyway) in 
order to enjoy the IMO absolutely ravishing medium series... or just use a 
medium title, which is also interesting for a change, if also not as convincing 
as bold.

Best regards, Simon

 Am 09-Feb-2015 10:45:57 +0100 schrieb n...@a-kobel.de: 
On 2015-02-09 05:58, tisimst wrote:
 > This is correct. LibreOffice does fake italic, bold, and bold-italic if
 > that variant doesn't exist. LilyPond, however, makes no attempt at this
 > and just reverts to the closest one that is installed, which is usually
 > the "regular" variant. [...]
 >> On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 4:27 AM, Thomas Spuhler  wrote:
 >> Are you sure:
 >> see attachment from libreoffice writer, normal and bold
 >> When there is no bold face present, a word processor might `fake' one
 >> by modifying the regular (roman) face. I don't know if that is what
 >> happened in your attachment, [...]

 Yes - see attached. If you convert to SVG and open it in Inkscape, you 
 can see how the characters decompose into the original text (with 
 additional spacing between the characters) and an rounded outline.

 Depending on the font, this might yield acceptable results 
 (professionals will probably disagree) or not - what works for Comic 
 Sans does not necessarily work for Zapfino... IIUC, the less fine 
 details in the font, the less ugly is fake bold.
 I'd refrain from using such a font in a situation where you really need 
 a bold face and cannot resort to small caps and/or different color 
 instead (yes, there are /real/ small caps in EB Garamond, those don't 
 need to be heuristically faked).

 W.r.t. the state of bold in EB Garamond, your guesses are supported by 
 the following entry in the SCM :

 Fonts in this repository: [...]
 - EBGaramond12-Bold: Bold font for design size 12pt (very 
 rough/unusable; not included in releases) [...]

 The last commit on those files was 2 years ago.

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