On Monday, February 09, 2015 04:41:22 AM Kevin Barry wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 4:27 AM, Thomas Spuhler <thomas.spuh...@btspuhler.com
> > wrote:
> > 
> > Are you sure:
> > see attachment from libreoffice writer, normal and bold
> When there is no bold face present, a word processor might `fake' one by
> modifying the regular (roman) face. I don't know if that is what happened
> in your attachment, but the zip archive for the EB Garamond font linked to
> in your first message does not contain any files for a bold face. Normally
> a typeface has separate files for regular, bold, italic, bold-italic and so
> on, which LilyPond will attempt to use, but in this case it can't because
> that file presumably doesn't exist on your system.
> Elsewhere on the website the author does mention bold in the list of goals,
> but it does not appear in the specimen pdf which suggests it is not
> implemented yet.
Yep, I realized it after firing off the message. They do substitutes.
Best regards
Thomas Spuhler

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