On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 07:18:52PM -0600, Tim McNamara wrote:
> I have repeatedly run into difficulties getting Lilypond to properly render 
> sus7 chord names in \chordmode.  It comes up with silly things like "G7sus4 
> 3??? and the like.  What is the correct syntax to get a simple ???Gsus7??? to 
> print?  I???ve tried every combination I can think of.  
> (By the way, I am also using the pop-chords exception list as I don???t like 
> the Ignatzek standard that is the default in Lilypond).

Are you asking for the \chordmode input syntax, or the 
markup syntax to use in your chord exceptions list?

I can't vouch for whether pop-chords Does The Right Thing (tm) or
not, but


is the syntax that works for Lilypond proper.


\score {
   \new ChordNames \chordmode { c1:sus4.7 }

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