Hi all,

On Jan 26, 2015, at 3:12 PM, Flaming Hakama by Elaine 
<ela...@flaminghakama.com> wrote:
> why I personally prefer the sus7 notation (besides economy with no lack of 
> clarity)

I disagree about the lack of clarity:

>From C7sus4, I infer that we have a C7 chord (i.e., dominant 7th) with a 
>suspension at the 4th (which suggests a resolution to the 3rd, if it resolves 
>at all).

>From C7sus, I infer that we have a C7 chord (i.e., dominant 7th) with a 
>suspension somewhere — since it is not otherwise specified, I assume it's at 
>the 4th (which suggests a resolution to the 3rd, if it resolves at all).

>From Csus7, I infer that we have a C chord (i.e., triad) with a suspension at 
>the 7th (which suggests a resolution to the 6rd, if it resolves at all).

So to my eye, the first two options are equivalent modulo standard assumptions, 
whereas the third option introduces ambiguity.

> it describes the notes from left to right in the correct order.  It always 
> seems weird to me to see notations like C7#5, since as you parse the chord, 
> you start by specifying a dominant chord, then change one of the notes that 
> you already implicitly specified.  Why not just specify what it actually is 
> from the get-go?  There are some cases where I haven't figured out a better 
> approach, like C7b5.  But in general I think it is best to specify chords 
> more directly by chord type, rather than indirectly, by specifying the wrong 
> chord type and then patching it up at the end.

Although Gould (frustratingly!) has essentially nothing to say about chords, I 
think her philosophy regarding subito dynamics (use “p sub.” and not “sub p.”) 
applies well: since the vast majority of us read music (including chord 
symbols) from left to right, and it’s more important to play (e.g.,) an 
unaltered C7 than a C sus triad without the 7th, it’s better to describe the 
full shape of the chord first, and then describe afterwards those alterations 
which are ultimately optional. And the effect likely becomes increasingly 
pronounced as the number of alterations increases.

All the best,

Kieren MacMillan, composer
www:  <http://www.kierenmacmillan.info>
email:  i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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