On 27/01/15 6:15 AM, Tim McNamara wrote:
On Jan 26, 2015, at 1:32 AM, Johan Vromans <jvrom...@squirrel.nl
<mailto:jvrom...@squirrel.nl>> wrote:
On Sun, 25 Jan 2015 19:18:52 -0600
Tim McNamara <tim...@bitstream.net <mailto:tim...@bitstream.net>> wrote:
I have repeatedly run into difficulties getting Lilypond to properly
render sus7 chord names in \chordmode. It comes up with silly things
like "G7sus4 3” and the like. What is the correct syntax to get a
“Gsus7” to print?
To not answer your question: I would not use Gsus7 since it is ambiguous.
Gsus4 (or Gsus) has a suspended 4th, Gsus2 has a suspended 2nd, so Gsus7
makes you think that the 7th is suspended -- which is not the case.
G7sus (or G7sus4) is the unambiguous way to express this chord.
See e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suspended_chord .
Chapter 8 of "Standardized Chord Symbol Notation" by Carl Brandt &
I have the Roemer-Brandt book and will double check that, thanks for
pointing it out. I have been modifying the pop-chords.ly
<http://pop-chords.ly> file for my own use to use the Roemer-Brandt
terminology and will make that available once I have completed it. My
recollection- without checking, of course- was that R-B used “sus” for
plain suspended 4th chords and “sus7” for suspended 4th dominant
chords. My memory may well be faulty on this (again, as it has been
so often as my wife reminds me). If they use “7sus” or “7sus4” I will
go with that.
You're not mistaken - I have also seen "sus" and "sus7" used in the same
way on rock and R&B charts. It's not a notation I would use myself, and
I agree with Johan that G7sus4 is the unambiguous way to express the
chord. But as has been pointed out before, there is no agreed standard
for chord notation.
It's worth noting that G7sus can be interpreted differently in a jazz
context - the wikipedia article Johan linked to mentions this, though
the analysis is not entirely accurate IMO.
With regard to Roemer & Brandt, I think it's an interesting reference
and a useful discussion starter, but it seems to me to be somewhat at
odds with contemporary practice.
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