Ralph Palmer <palmer.r.violin <at> gmail.com> writes:

> On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 11:31 PM, Keith OHara <k-ohara5a5a <at> oco.net> 
wrote:Dear list,
> In English, pronouncing the 'natural' in 'C-natural' is required if the 
note is out-of-key.  LilyPond does not consider the key when reading note-
input, but could easily accept 'cn' as a name for the pitch C-natural.  There 
was a feature request on the bug-list, that LilyPond do so.
> Among those responding to the proposal, the Americans were in favor, while 
the British Germans Dutch and Flemish opposed.
> I have started using English note-entry with 'cn', etc., for naturals when 
I would say "natural" and I find it helpful.  If anyone else will use it, 
I'll push for it and put it in LilyPond.
> Hmm. . . . I am an American and I am opposed, for the reasons given in the 
previous discussion(s). My 2 cents.

Then I'll propose that LilyPond accept 'cn' only when the user requests
that input style, and I won't call that style 'American'.

Another inconvenience with \language"english" is that its default names
are the long forms, so
  \displayLilyMusic \transpose c e {fs as cs}
is not as helpful for rearranging music as it could be.

I'm proposing \language"abbreviated" for people who want to use
\displayLilyMusic to generate brief english, and/or want to type
'cn' for the same reasons that we sometimes pronounce 'natural'
in English. <https://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=4076#c26>

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