Helge Kruse <helge.kr...@gmx.net> writes:

> The q may be used for repeated chords what makes notation efficient. I
> duplicates the last chord literally. But when it contains reminder
> accidentals they make no sense in the repeat. Is there a way to tell q
> that it should skip these accidentals?
> Example:
> \relative c'
> {
>   % q duplicates literally the accidentals
> <fis a d fis>4 <f! a d f!> q q |
>   % desired output
> <fis a d fis>4 <f! a d f!> <f a d f> q |
> }

Well, just write the latter version.  This is similar to

\new Voice \with { \remove Note_heads_engraver
                   \consists Completion_heads_engraver
{ c!\longa }

which I (wrongly) thought we had already dealt with.  It appears I have
mentioned this when entering issue 3593 as having _also_ been discussed,
illustrating how important the bug squad is for not letting reports get
dropped silently.

David Kastrup

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