Am 05.07.2014 05:30, schrieb Paul Morris:
Uns Liska wrote
I can see the point and I'm ready to accept that approach. There is one
issue, however, that I'd like to discuss before making any decision.

      \include "file-name.ily"

opens the door wide for name conflicts. The more the names are speaking
the more they will be likely to exist in other places too. Particularly
as much of the stuff we have (and will have) is of quite similar
characteristic as all the other files inside LilyPond which can be
included directly.

So I would suggest inserting a kind of namespace through the following:

- don't name the root directory "library" but "oll"
    This is a good "prefix" as it is characteristic _and_ short
- let the user add the actual root directory instead of the "oll"
    subdirectory to the include path
- let the files be included with
    \include "oll/file-name.ily"

Good point, and I think that's a good solution to it as well.  The only
drawback I see is that adding the root directory means you lose some of the
separation between the files that are to be included and those that are not.
Do you think it would be worth doing something like this to keep it?


Users would add the library directory (limits access to just includable
files), and it only contains the oll directory (provides namespace).

Just an idea, not sure if the extra directory is worth it or not.

Haha, that is *exactly* what I thought too yesterday.
Go to
and have a look at the "library" and "usage-examples" folders. They are a first sketch :-)

The rest of what you wrote all sounds fine to me.

I think we will have to reconsider our metadata section and then do the transfer in that "reorganization" branch. I strongly suggest to excusively do that using pull requests, even among the members with push access.

One more thing I would suggest to implement is some more standardization for the examples files. These should have formalized headers that are created by pulling in the fields from the definitions file. This should be quite easy to implement: Create one file with the redefinition of \booktitlemarkup and place this somewhere outside the user-accessible files. Then each examples file can simply include this with a relative path and there you go. (-> This implies that our metadata considerations take this into account too)



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