Hi David,

 sounds like a deal. Let me know when you're able to work on it and
maybe also the amount of sponsoring you'll need...


Am Samstag, den 10. Mai 2014 um 15:21:40 Uhr (+0200) schrieb David Kastrup:
> I'm thinking about it, but no timeline.
> Basically, it requires reworking the mechanism used in quote/partcombine
> to yield a more versatile intermediate sort-of stream representation.
> Merging/combining several such streams would then make it possible to do
> stuff like retransposing.  All quite handwavy/iffy so far, but at least
> it has the potential to sanitize the partcombiner greatly and make it
> more powerful.
> Would be also a good step forwards towards MusicXML export in
> time-linear order (probably not sensibly reconvertible into LilyPond,
> though).
> -- 
> David Kastrup
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