Kieren MacMillan <> writes:

> You have to put the key information redundantly in each instrumentalist’s 
> music.
> A better [i.e, more maintainable and “object-oriented”] approach is this:
> global = {
>   \key a \minor s1*8
>   \key e \minor s1*4
>   \key c \major s1*10
> }
> and then in both part and full score use
>     \new Staff << \global \wind_notes >>
> In the part, all the instrumental transpositions should apply; in the score, 
> I should be able to choose (C score or transposed).
> Makes sense?

Shrug.  If that's what's desired, there is no point trying to put my
original proposal to code since it would not work.  It would have
processed the music in writing order rather than time order, so
transposition changes would not apply to the middle of \global.
Basically, this would require "poor man's iteration" that will result in
a time-ordered list of music expressions.

David Kastrup

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