Hi Karol,

sorry coming back to you that late.

2014-04-21 13:22 GMT+02:00 Karol Majewski <karo...@wp.pl>:
> Although I know nothing about scheme, I've managed to slim down this 
> function, so that there are no optional arguments. Now I'll try to find out 
> why it doesn't work for DynamicText grob.
It seems thee was some change in the source concerning DynamicText.

Look at the attached images produced from the following code with
2.18.0 and 2.19.4

\new StaffGroup
\new Staff \relative c' {
    \override DynamicText #'X-offset = #-20
    \once \override DynamicText #'whiteout = ##t
\new Staff \relative c' {
    c1 c c

It seems now to be impossible to move DynamicText across BarLines.
(You can use 'extra-offset ofcourse, though it's usually a bad idea.)

Obviously, it was made to avoid any BarLine/DynamicText collisions.
If it always works, there would be no more need for any whiteout
function for DynamicText.

Do you encounter collisions anywhere?
If yes, please report.

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