Although I know nothing about scheme, I've managed to slim down this function, so that there are no optional arguments. Now I'll try to find out why it doesn't work for DynamicText grob.
Harm, thanks in advance for any hints. Perhaps we can mix your function with flexible-stencil-whiteout (see my first post). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \version "2.19.5" moreWhiteout = #(define-music-function (parser location adds) (pair?) (define (interval-add iv-1 iv-2) (cons (+ (car iv-1) (car iv-2)) (+ (cdr iv-1) (cdr iv-2)))) (define more-stencil-whiteout (lambda (grob) (let* ((stil (ly:text-interface::print grob)) (x-ext (ly:stencil-extent stil X)) (y-ext (ly:stencil-extent stil Y)) (add-to-x-ext (if (pair? (car adds)) (car adds) adds)) (add-to-y-ext (if (pair? (cdr adds)) (cadr adds) '(0 . 0))) (new-stil (ly:make-stencil (ly:stencil-expr stil) (interval-add x-ext add-to-x-ext) (interval-add y-ext add-to-y-ext)))) new-stil))) #{ \once \override DynamicText . layer = #10 \once \override DynamicText . whiteout = ##t \once \override DynamicText . stencil = #more-stencil-whiteout #}) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% EXAMPLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% musicI = { \time 2/4 \repeat unfold 16 b8 } musicII = { r2 %% apply to X- and Y-axis \moreWhiteout #'((-2 . 0.5)(0 . 2)) b4 \ff b r2 %% apply to X-axis only \moreWhiteout #'(-2 . 0.5) b4 \mf b } \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \relative c'' \musicI \new Staff \relative c'' \musicII >> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- Karol _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list