
On 2014-01-17 01:28, David Kastrup wrote:
Philip Rhoades <p...@pricom.com.au> writes:


On 2014-01-17 00:22, David Kastrup wrote:
Philip Rhoades <p...@pricom.com.au> writes:


So your first statement:

I get a GUILE error on line 5


was wrong, and my guess

I don't.  Copy and paste error?

concerning your use of Paul's converted code was correct. Like with _any_ material prepared for an older version of LilyPond, you have to run convert-ly on it before using it. Which is just what Paul did in
order to arrive at "his" version.  Yes, this rewrites the Scheme

OK, lesson learned - obviously not the sort of behaviour I am used to
with other languages . .

Other languages will also complain about copy and paste errors.

It wasn't a copy and paste error - I proved that by redoing it,
diffing etc - it was ONLY the version issue.

You stated "I get a GUILE error on line 5" with "$(let ..." which was
_not_ the version in the LSR but _only_ the version provided by Paul.
Later on you state that this version worked fine.

You don't make things easier for other people if your reports don't
match what you are actually doing,

That is incorrect, I reported exactly what I did - I got a GUILE error
(on an old snippet version)

And the reported quoted source code fragment did not match the version
in the LSR but rather the version Paul provided and _which_ _worked_.

- I probably should have posted the code, then it would have been
clear straight away - but it wasn't a copy and paste problem.

So why then did you _first_ state that Paul's version did not work,
including a quote of _Paul's_ version rather than the LSR?

_That's_ when I stated I considered this likely a copy&paste error. And
it apparently was.  Either you did not properly copy&paste Paul's
version when trying it out, or you did not properly copy&paste the
resulting error message when trying (without telling anybody) the LSR

This is getting silly - I will explain what happened:

- I had previously run your new snippet quite satisfactorily

- I had previously run Paul's changed version quite satisfactorily

- I had forgotten about the convert-ly thing

- I wasn't going to bother about the old version in the LSR when Paul mentioned it, but just out of interest, I thought I would give it go - it failed with the error - I don't like things not working so I persisted

- The quick inspection showed the old version with a "#" and the new versions with "$" - so I changed it and tried again - still the same error

- Probably hastily, I reported the error

- You said it was probably a cut and paste problem - I knew it wasn't but I tried different methods of getting the code but still got the error

- Still missing the real issue (and probably annoyed that you suggested it was a newbie "who doesn't know how to cut an paste" problem) I replied (too hastily again) that it wasn't a cut and paste problem

- You said it must be some problem so I did the diffs - which finally showed up the problem with the missing entire line and it's associated bracket

So, yes it was a "newbie" problem - but not for the reasons you said. So now we have both forgotten something and probably wasted other people's time - me with this issue and you by forgetting to put the note about version upgrades where it should have been - which I don't think should even be necessary - see my other post.


Philip Rhoades

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW      2001
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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