Philip Rhoades <> writes:

> David,
> On 2014-01-17 00:22, David Kastrup wrote:
>> Philip Rhoades <> writes:
>>> David,
>>>> So your first statement:
>>>>>>>>> I get a GUILE error on line 5
>>>>>>>>>   $(let
>>>> was wrong, and my guess
>>>>>>>> I don't.  Copy and paste error?
>>>> concerning your use of Paul's converted code was correct.  Like with
>>>> _any_ material prepared for an older version of LilyPond, you have to
>>>> run convert-ly on it before using it.  Which is just what Paul did in
>>>> order to arrive at "his" version.  Yes, this rewrites the Scheme
>>>> expression.
>>> OK, lesson learned - obviously not the sort of behaviour I am used to
>>> with other languages . .
>> Other languages will also complain about copy and paste errors.
> It wasn't a copy and paste error - I proved that by redoing it,
> diffing etc - it was ONLY the version issue.

You stated "I get a GUILE error on line 5" with "$(let ..." which was
_not_ the version in the LSR but _only_ the version provided by Paul.
Later on you state that this version worked fine.

>> You don't make things easier for other people if your reports don't
>> match what you are actually doing,
> That is incorrect, I reported exactly what I did - I got a GUILE error
> (on an old snippet version)

And the reported quoted source code fragment did not match the version
in the LSR but rather the version Paul provided and _which_ _worked_.

> - I probably should have posted the code, then it would have been
> clear straight away - but it wasn't a copy and paste problem.

So why then did you _first_ state that Paul's version did not work,
including a quote of _Paul's_ version rather than the LSR?

_That's_ when I stated I considered this likely a copy&paste error.  And
it apparently was.  Either you did not properly copy&paste Paul's
version when trying it out, or you did not properly copy&paste the
resulting error message when trying (without telling anybody) the LSR

David Kastrup

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