Philip Rhoades <> writes:

> David,
> On 2014-01-16 22:42, David Kastrup wrote:
>> Philip Rhoades <> writes:
>>> David,
>>>>> I get a GUILE error on line 5
>>>>>   $(let
>>>> I don't.  Copy and paste error?
>>>>>   $@(let
>>>>> but that didn't work either (obviously I don't know what I'm doing
>>>>> . .)
>>>> Obviously.  $ splices a single expression (which is what
>>>> make-sequential-music produces) into LilyPond, $@ splices a list of
>>>> expressions.
>>> I recopied and pasted the whole snippet - which gives the same result
>>> as right-click and save.
>>> The original has:
>>>   #(let . .
>>> but I get a GUILE error on that too . .
>> I am not going to play guessing games as to what you copied and pasted
>> into what version of LilyPond with what exact error messages and/or
>> results.  As I stated, copying and pasting the original code posted in
>> this thread works just fine.
> I just did a diff on what is in the LSR and what Paul posted in his
> email - the differences are:
> - the LSR has a "#" instead of a "$" on the let
> - the LSR has a line (and closing brace): (ly:export
> => the LSR fails, Paul's doesn't, (FTR I am using 2.18.0).

So your first statement:

>>>>> I get a GUILE error on line 5
>>>>>   $(let

was wrong, and my guess

>>>> I don't.  Copy and paste error?

concerning your use of Paul's converted code was correct.  Like with
_any_ material prepared for an older version of LilyPond, you have to
run convert-ly on it before using it.  Which is just what Paul did in
order to arrive at "his" version.  Yes, this rewrites the Scheme

David Kastrup

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