Hi Kieren, James and all,

I extracted my edition-engraver from lalily. The example compiles here
with 2.18.
You can try this and comment ... I will add more comments to the code,
if this is of interest ;)

The compilation creates a file example.edition.log containing all
edition-engraver paths.

I use this inside lalily. There is always a current "music-path", which
is used to create the path for the engraver. Then the edition-engraver
paths are made by the template in use, so I don't have to deal with them.

Best, Jan-Peter

On 14.01.2014 14:46, James wrote:
> On 14/01/14 07:17, Jan-Peter Voigt wrote:
>> Hi Kieren and all,
>> I use an engraver for this task, that looks for overrides, sets and
>> clefs at the current measure (of the context consisting this engraver)
>> and at the current moment inside this measure. So this is a little bit
>> different from your example in that it listens during compilation, while
>> your example modifies a music expression /before/ compilation.
>> My intention was the ability to use a pen and mark all grobs to modify
>> on a printed sheet of music - without any links to the source.
>> Now I just write
>> \editionMod <the edition name> <measure> <moment> <engraver-id> {...}
>> and I can switch on and off the edition-overrides as needed.
>> This approach should be able to produce any grob, but beside overrides
>> and sets I have only implemented inserting clefs and TextScript-grobs.
>> To implement a function, that modifies the music expression without
>> compiling means, that you have to know the run of time-signatures. If
>> you don't know that, you don't know when measure X starts.
>> If you have a global variable for all time signatures, you might look
>> for all time-signature-events and accumulate them to produce a
>> skip-expression.
>> addAt =
>> #(define-music-function (parser location music measure moment
>> addition)(ly:music? integer? ly:moment ly:music?)
>> ; ... create myAdd = { \skip #to-measure-moment $addition }
>> ; and return
>> (make-music 'SimultaneousMusic 'elements (list music myAdd))
>> )
>> HTHOIALI (hth or is at least interesting)
>> Cheers,
>> Jan-Peter
> Could you give a working .ly example?
> It might prove helpful for other users that cannot necessarily
> understand scheme (like me :) )
> Also if it compiles on 2.14 then we could add it to the LSR for other
> users.
> James

\version "2.18.0"
\include "util.ily"

#(use-modules (oop goops))

% custom string representation of a moment
#(define-public (moment->string mom)
  (if (ly:moment? mom)
      (let ((num (ly:moment-main-numerator mom))
            (den (ly:moment-main-denominator mom))
            (gnum (ly:moment-grace-numerator mom))
            (gden (ly:moment-grace-denominator mom)))
        (format "(~A/~A~A)" num den
           ((> gnum 0)(format "+~A/~A" gnum gden))
           ((< gnum 0)(format "~A/~A" gnum gden))
           (else "")

% class to store for example \set stanza = "1."

#(define-class <propset> ()
  (once #:init-value #t #:accessor is-once #:setter set-once! #:init-keyword 
  (symbol #:accessor get-symbol #:setter set-symbol! #:init-keyword #:symbol)
  (value #:accessor get-value #:setter set-value! #:init-keyword #:value)
  (previous #:accessor get-previous #:setter set-previous! #:init-value #f)
  (context #:accessor get-context #:setter set-context! #:init-keyword 
% apply set to context
#(define-method (do-propset context (prop <propset>))
  (if (get-context prop)
      (let ((parctx (ly:context-find context (get-context prop))))
        (if (ly:context? parctx) (set! context parctx))))
  (set-previous! prop (ly:context-property context (get-symbol prop)))
  (ly:context-set-property! context (get-symbol prop) (get-value prop))
%(export do-propset)
% apply unset to context
#(define-method (reset-prop context (prop <propset>))
  (if (get-context prop)
      (let ((parctx (ly:context-find context (get-context prop))))
        (if (ly:context? parctx) (set! context parctx))))
  (ly:context-set-property! context (get-symbol prop) (get-previous prop))
%(export reset-prop)

% predicate
#(define-public (propset? p)(is-a? p <propset>))
% serialize to string
#(define-method (propset->string (ps <propset>))
  (format "~A\\set ~A = ~A" (if (is-once ps) "once " "") (string-append (if 
(get-context ps) (format "~A." (get-context ps)) "") (format "~A" (get-symbol 
ps))) (get-value ps)))
%(export propset->string)
% implement display
#(define-method (display (o <propset>) port) (display (propset->string o) port))


% store applyContext
#(define-class <apply-context> ()
  (proc #:accessor procedure #:setter set-procedure! #:init-keyword #:proc)
% apply stored function to context
#(define-method (do-apply ctx (a <apply-context>))
  ((procedure a) ctx))
%(export do-apply)
% predicate
#(define-public (apply-context? a)(is-a? a <apply-context>))
% store overrides
#(define-class <override> ()
  (once #:init-value #t #:accessor is-once #:setter set-once! #:init-keyword 
  (revert #:init-value #f #:accessor is-revert #:setter set-revert! 
#:init-keyword #:revert)
  (grob #:accessor get-grob #:setter set-grob! #:init-keyword #:grob)
  (prop #:accessor get-prop #:setter set-prop! #:init-keyword #:prop)
  (value #:accessor get-value #:setter set-value! #:init-keyword #:value)
  (context #:accessor get-context #:setter set-context! #:init-keyword 
% serialize to string
#(define-method (oop->string (o <override>))
  (let* ((ctxn (get-context o))
         (ctxp (if ctxn (format "~A." ctxn) "")))
    (if (is-revert o)
        (string-append "\\revert " ctxp (format "~A " (get-grob o)) (format 
"#'~A" (get-prop o)))
        (string-append (if (is-once o) "\\once " "") "\\override " ctxp (format 
"~A " (get-grob o)) (format "#'~A" (get-prop o)) " = " (format "~A" (get-value 
%(export oop->string)
% implement display
#(define-method (display (o <override>) port) (display (oop->string o) port))
% predicate
#(define-public (override? o)(is-a? o <override>))
% apply stored override to context
#(define-method (do-override ctx (mod <override>))
  (if (get-context mod)
      (let ((parctx (ly:context-find ctx (get-context mod))))
        (if (ly:context? parctx) (set! ctx parctx))))
  (ly:context-pushpop-property ctx (get-grob mod) (get-prop mod) (get-value 
%(export do-override)
% apply revert to context
#(define-method (do-revert ctx (mod <override>))
  (if (get-context mod)
      (let ((parctx (ly:context-find ctx (get-context mod))))
        (if (ly:context? parctx) (set! ctx parctx))))
  (ly:context-pushpop-property ctx (get-grob mod) (get-prop mod)))
%(export do-revert)


% stored edition tags
#(define-public (editions) #f)
% set edition tags
#(define-public (set-editions! ed) #f)
% add edition modification
#(define-public (add-edmod edition takt pos path mod) #f)
% create edition engraver with path
#(define-public (edition-engraver tag-path) #f)
% call proc with arg edition-engraver for all active
#(define-public (walk-edition-engravers proc) #f)
% display all stored modifications
#(define-public (display-mods) #f)
% display all registered edition-engraver paths
#(define-public (display-edition) #f)

% find edition-engraver in this or any parent context
#(define-public (context-find-edition-engraver context) #f)

#(define lalily:edition-tags 'lalily:edition-tags)
% now actually implement the needed functions
#(let ((mod-tree (tree-create 'mods))
      (edition-list '())
      (edition-tree (tree-create 'edition))
      (context-count (tree-create 'context)))
  (define (o->sym o) (cond ((symbol? o) o) ((string? o) (string->symbol o)) 
(else (string->symbol (format "~A" o)))))
  (set! editions (lambda () (if (list? edition-list) edition-list '())))
  (set! set-editions! (lambda (eds) (if (list? eds) (set! edition-list eds) 
(ly:error "list expected: ~A" eds))))
  (set! add-edmod
        (lambda (edition takt pos path modm)
          (let* ((edition (if (string? edition) (string->symbol edition) 
                 (path `(,edition ,takt ,pos ,@path))
                 (mods (tree-get mod-tree path)))
            (if (not (list? mods)) (set! mods '()))
             ((ly:music? modm)
              (let ((x 0))
                (define (add-mods modmus ctx)
                   (lambda (m)
                      ((eq? 'ContextSpeccedMusic (ly:music-property m 'name))
                       (let* ((ct (ly:music-property m 'context-type))
                              (elm (ly:music-property m 'element)))
                         (if (eq? 'Bottom ct)
                              (add-mods elm ct)
                      ((eq? 'OverrideProperty (ly:music-property m 'name))
                       (let* ((once (ly:music-property m 'once #f))
                              (grob (ly:music-property m 'symbol))
                              (prop (ly:music-property m 'grob-property))
                              (prop (if (symbol? prop)
                                        (car (ly:music-property m 
                              (value (ly:music-property m 'grob-value))
                              (mod (make <override> #:once once #:grob grob 
#:prop prop #:value value #:context ctx)))
                         (set! mods `(,@mods ,mod))
                      ((eq? 'RevertProperty (ly:music-property m 'name))
                       (let* ((grob (ly:music-property m 'symbol))
                              (prop (ly:music-property m 'grob-property))
                              (prop (if (symbol? prop)
                                        (car (ly:music-property m 
                              (mod (make <override> #:once #f #:revert #t 
#:grob grob #:prop prop #:value #f #:context ctx)))
                         (set! mods `(,@mods ,mod))
                      ((eq? 'PropertySet (ly:music-property m 'name))
                       (let* ((once (ly:music-property m 'once #f))
                              (symbol (ly:music-property m 'symbol))
                              (value (ly:music-property m 'value))
                              (mod (make <propset> #:once once #:symbol symbol 
#:value value #:context ctx)))
                         (set! mods `(,@mods ,mod))
                      ((eq? 'ApplyContext (ly:music-property m 'name))
                       (let* ((proc (ly:music-property m 'procedure))
                              (mod (make <apply-context> #:proc proc)))
                       (set! mods `(,@mods ,mod))
                        (eq? 'TextScriptEvent (ly:music-property m 'name))
                        (eq? 'LineBreakEvent (ly:music-property m 'name))
                        (eq? 'PageBreakEvent (ly:music-property m 'name))
                        (eq? 'PageTurnEvent (ly:music-property m 'name))
                        (eq? 'OttavaMusic (ly:music-property m 'name))
                        (eq? 'PartCombineForceEvent (ly:music-property m 'name))
                        (eq? 'ExtenderEvent (ly:music-property m 'name))
                        (eq? 'HyphenEvent (ly:music-property m 'name))
                       (set! mods `(,@mods ,m))
                      (else #f)
                (add-mods modm #f)))
             ((ly:context-mod? modm)(set! mods `(,@mods ,modm)))
            (tree-set! mod-tree path mods)
  (set! edition-engraver
        (lambda (tag-path . props)
          (let ((eng #f)
                (cmf (if (eq? #t tag-path) (get-music-folder)))) ; current 
music folder
            (define (get-sym c)(string->symbol (base26 c)))
            (set! eng (lambda (context)
                        (let* ((tag-path tag-path)
                               (tag '())
                               (barnum 0)
                               (measurepos (ly:make-moment 0 1))
                               (get-path (lambda (edition takt pos) `(,edition 
,takt ,pos ,@tag)))
                                (lambda (trans)
                                  (if (procedure? tag-path) (set! tag-path 
                                  (if (not (list? tag-path))
                                      (let ((parent (ly:context-parent context))
                                            (peng #f))
                                        (define (search-peng path eng)
                                          (if (eqv? (object-property eng 
'context) parent)
                                              (set! peng eng)))
                                        (if (ly:context? parent) 
(walk-edition-engravers search-peng))
                                        (if peng (set! tag-path 
(object-property peng 'tag-path)))
                                        (if (not (list? tag-path))
                                            (set! tag-path (if (list? cmf) cmf 
                                  (let* ((cn (ly:context-name context))
                                         (path `(,@tag-path ,(o->sym cn)))
                                         (ccid (tree-get context-count path)))
                                    (define (topctx context)
                                      (let ((par (ly:context-find context 
                                        (if (ly:context? par) (topctx par) 
                                    (if (not (integer? ccid))(set! ccid 0))
                                    (tree-set! context-count path (+ ccid 1))
                                    ; (ly:message "~A ~A" ccid path)
                                    (set! path `(,@path ,(get-sym ccid)))
                                    (set! tag path)
                                    (tree-set! edition-tree path
                                      (cons eng
                                        (let* ((c context)
                                               (takt (ly:context-property c 
                                               (mpos (ly:context-property c 
                                          (cons takt mpos) )))

                                    (set-object-property! eng 'context context)
                                    (set-object-property! eng 'tag-path 
                                    (set-object-property! eng 'path path)

                                    ; (if (lalily:verbose) (ly:message "looking 
for editions in ~A" (glue-list path "/")))
                               ; paper column interface
                               (paper-column-interface (lambda (engraver grob 
                                      (let ((takt (ly:context-property context 
                                            (pos (ly:context-property context 
                                        (if (eq? #t (ly:grob-property grob 
                                             (lambda (edition)
                                               (let* ((path (get-path edition 
takt pos))
                                                      (mods (tree-get mod-tree 
                                                 (if (list? mods)
                                                      (lambda (mod)
                                                         ((and (ly:music? mod) 
(eq? 'LineBreakEvent (ly:music-property mod 'name)))
(ly:grob-property grob 'line-break-permission) (ly:music-property mod 
                                                         ((and (ly:music? mod) 
(eq? 'PageBreakEvent (ly:music-property mod 'name)))
(ly:grob-property grob 'page-break-permission) (ly:music-property mod 
                                                         ((and (ly:music? mod) 
(eq? 'PageTurnEvent (ly:music-property mod 'name)))
(ly:grob-property grob 'page-turn-permission) (ly:music-property mod 
                                                         )) mods)))) 
                                (lambda (trans . recall) ; recall from 
                                  (let ((takt (ly:context-property context 
                                        (pos (ly:context-property context 
                                        (modc '()))
                                    (define (modc+ mod)(set! modc `(,@modc 
                                    (set! barnum takt)(set! measurepos pos)
                                    (for-each (lambda (edition)
                                                (let* ((path (get-path edition 
takt pos))
                                                       (mods (tree-get mod-tree 
                                                  ;(display path)(display 
                                                  (if (list? mods)
                                                      (for-each (lambda (mod)
(is-revert mod)
(do-revert context mod)
(do-override context mod))
                                                                    (modc+ mod))
context mod)
                                                                    (modc+ mod))
((apply-context? mod)
context mod))
((ly:context-mod? mod)
(ly:context-mod-apply! context mod)
                                                                    (modc+ mod))
                                                                   )) mods)
                                                  )) (editions))
                                    ; warning if start-translation-timestep is 
not called in first place
                                    (if (and (> (length modc) 0)(> (length 
recall) 0) (eq? #t (car recall)))
                                         (ly:warning "missing @ ~A ~A ~A" takt 
pos (glue-list tag "/"))
                                         (for-each (lambda (mod) (ly:warning 
"---> ~A" mod)) modc)
                                (lambda (trans)
                                  (let ((takt (ly:context-property context 
                                        (pos (ly:context-property context 
                                    (for-each (lambda (edition)
                                                (let* ((path (get-path edition 
takt pos))
                                                       (mods (tree-get mod-tree 
                                                  (if (list? mods)
                                                      (for-each (lambda (mod)
(override? mod)(is-once mod))
context mod))
(propset? mod)(is-once mod))
context mod))
                                                  )) (editions))

                                (lambda (trans)
                                  (let ((takt (ly:context-property context 
                                        (pos (ly:context-property context 
                                    ; recall start-translation-timestep, if it 
is not called already
                                    (if (or (not (equal? takt barnum))(not 
(equal? measurepos pos)))
                                        (start-translation-timestep trans #t))
                                    (for-each (lambda (edition)
                                                (let* ((path (get-path edition 
takt pos))
                                                       (mods (tree-get mod-tree 
                                                  (if (list? mods)
                                                      (for-each (lambda (mod)
(ly:music? mod) (eq? 'TextScriptEvent (ly:music-property mod 'name)))
                                                                    (let ((grob 
(ly:engraver-make-grob trans 'TextScript '()))
(ly:music-property mod 'text))
(direction (ly:music-property mod 'direction #f)))
(ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text text)
direction (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'direction direction))
                                                  )) (editions))
                                (lambda (trans)
                                  (if (eq? 'Score (ly:context-name context))
                                      (let* ((takt (ly:context-property context 
                                             (pos (ly:context-property context 
                                             (parser (ly:assoc-get 'parser 
props #f #f)))
                                            (ly:message "(~A) finalize ~A (~A 
                                              (glue-list (editions) ", ")
                                              (glue-list tag "/")
                                              takt (if (ly:moment? pos) 
(moment->string pos) pos))
                                        (if parser
                                            (let* ((outname 
(ly:parser-output-name parser))
                                                   (logfile (format 
"~A.edition.log" outname)))
                                              (ly:message "writing '~A' ..." 
                                              (with-output-to-file logfile
                                                  (display "<--- mods 
                                        (set! context-count (tree-create 
                            (initialize . ,initialize)
                             (paper-column-interface . ,paper-column-interface)
                            (start-translation-timestep . 
                            (stop-translation-timestep . 
                            (process-music . ,process-music)
                            (finalize . ,finalize)
  (set! walk-edition-engravers
        (lambda (proc)
          (tree-walk edition-tree '() ; walk all
            (lambda (path key value)
              (proc path (if (pair? value) (car value) value))
              ) '(empty . #f) '(sort . #f))

  (set! context-find-edition-engraver
        (lambda (context)
          (let ((peng #f))
            (define (search-peng path eng)
              (if (eqv? (object-property eng 'context) context)
                  (set! peng eng)))
            (if (ly:context? context) (walk-edition-engravers search-peng))

  (set! display-edition (lambda () (tree-display edition-tree
                                     '(pathsep . " ")
                                     `(vformat . ,(lambda (p) (let ((m (if 
(pair? p) (cdr p) p)))
                                                                (if (and (pair? 
m)(ly:moment? (cdr m)))
"(~A . ~A)" (car m)(moment->string (cdr m)))
"~A" m))
  (set! display-mods
        (lambda ()
          (tree-display mod-tree
            '(pathsep . " ")
            `(pformat . ,(lambda (v) (cond
                                      ((ly:moment? v) (moment->string v))
                                      (else (format "~A" v))
            `(vformat . ,(lambda (v)
                           (if (list? v)
                               (glue-list (map (lambda (e)
                                                  ((ly:music? e)
                                                   (format "[M] ~A" 
(ly:music-property e 'name))
                                                  (else (format "~A" e)))) v) 
"\n") (format "~A" v)))))))


#(define (frac-or-mom? v) (or (fraction? v)(ly:moment? v)))
#(define (music-or-contextmod? v) (or (ly:music? v)(ly:context-mod? v)))
#(define-public editionMod
  (define-music-function (parser location edition takt pos path mod)
    (string-or-symbol? integer? frac-or-mom? list? music-or-contextmod?)
    "Add modification to edition @ measure moment"
    (if (fraction? pos)(set! pos (ly:make-moment (car pos)(cdr pos))))
    (add-edmod edition takt pos path mod)
    (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t))

#(define (list-or-boolean? v) (or (boolean? v)(list? v)(procedure? v)))
#(define-public editionEngraver
  (define-scheme-function (parser location tag)(list-or-boolean?)
    (edition-engraver tag `(parser . ,parser))))


%;;; music functions

% activate edition
#(define-public addEdition
  (define-music-function (parser location edition)(string-or-symbol?)
    "Add edition to edition-list.
Every edition from the global edition-list will be listened for by the 
    (if (string? edition) (set! edition (string->symbol edition)))
    (if (not (memq edition (editions))) (set-editions! `(,@(editions) 
    (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t)

% deactivate edition
#(define-public removeEdition
  (define-music-function (parser location edition)(string-or-symbol?)
    "Remove edition from edition-list.
Every edition from the global edition-list will be listened for by the 
    (if (string? edition) (set! edition (string->symbol edition)))
    (set-editions! (delete edition (editions)))
    (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t)

% set editions
#(define-public setEditions
  (define-void-function (parser location editions)(list?)
    "Set edition-list to editions.
Every edition from the global edition-list will be listened for by the 
This will override the previously set list."
    (set-editions! (map (lambda (edition)
                           ((symbol? edition) edition)
                           ((string? edition) (string->symbol edition))
                           (else (string->symbol (format "~A" edition)))
                           )) editions))

\version "2.18.0"
\include "edition-engraver.ily"

\addEdition test
% color the notehead red on the second quarter in the second measure
\editionMod test 2 1/4 my.test.Staff.A \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red
% destroy the slur starting on the second quarter in the first measure
\editionMod test 1 2/4 my.test.Staff.A \shape #'((0 . 0)(0 . 1)(0 . -1)(0 . 0)) Slur

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists \editionEngraver my.test

\new Staff \with {
  \consists \editionEngraver my.test
} <<
  \new Voice \with {
    \consists \editionEngraver ##f
  } \relative c'' { c4 bes a( g) f e d c }

\version "2.18.0"

#(use-modules (oop goops))

#(define-public (base26 i)
  "produce a string A, B, ..., Z, AA, AB, ... for numbers
usable to allow 2.17+ list input like in: \\editionMod notes.sop.Voice.A
ATTENTION: there will be no ZZ but YZ -> AAA and YZZ -> AAAA"
(let ((A (char->integer (if (< i 0) #\a #\A)))
      (i (if (< i 0) (- -1 i) i)))

  (define (baseX x i)
    (let ((q (quotient i x))
          (r (remainder i x)))
      (if (and (> q 0) (< q x))
          (list (- q 1) r)
          (let ((ret '()))
            (if (> q 0) (set! ret (baseX x q)))
            `(,@ret ,r))

    (lambda (d) (integer->char (+ A d)))
    (baseX 26 i)))

#(define-public (glue-list lst glue)
  "create string from list containing arbitrary objects"
  (string-join (map (lambda (s) (format "~A" s)) lst) glue 'infix))
#(define-public (glue-symbol lst . glue)
  "create symbol from list containig arbitrary objects"
  (string->symbol (string-join (map (lambda (s) (format "~A" s)) lst) (if (> 
(length glue) 0)(car glue) ":") 'infix)))

%;;; stack

%; a stack implementation with methods push, pop and get
#(define-class <stack> ()
  (name #:accessor name #:setter set-name! #:init-value "stack")
  (store #:accessor store #:setter set-store! #:init-value '())

#(define-method (push (stack <stack>) val)
  (set! (store stack) (cons val (store stack))))
#(define-method (get (stack <stack>))
  (let ((st (store stack)))
    (if (> (length st) 0)
        (car st)
#(define-method (pop (stack <stack>))
  (let ((st (store stack)))
    (if (> (length st) 0)
        (let ((ret (car st)))
          (set! (store stack) (cdr st))
#(define-method (display (stack <stack>) port)
  (for-each (lambda (e)
              (format #t "~A> " (name stack))(display e)(newline)) (store 

#(define-public (stack-create)(make <stack>))

%;;; tree

%; a tree implementation
%; every tree-node has a hashtable of children and a value
%; main methods are:
%; tree-set! <tree> path-list val: set a value in the tree
%; tree-get <tree> path-list: get a value from the tree or #f if not present

#(define-class <tree> ()
  (children #:accessor children #:init-thunk make-hash-table)
  (key #:accessor key #:init-keyword #:key #:init-value 'node)
  (value #:accessor value #:setter set-value! #:init-value #f)

#(define-method (tree-set! (tree <tree>) (path <list>) val)
  (if (= (length path) 0)
      (set! (value tree) val)
      (let* ((ckey (car path))
             (cpath (cdr path))
             (child (hash-ref (children tree) ckey))
        (if (not (is-a? child <tree>))
            (begin (set! child (make <tree> #:key ckey))
              (hash-set! (children tree) ckey child)
        (tree-set! child cpath val)

#(define-method (tree-merge! (tree <tree>) (path <list>) (proc <procedure>) val)
  (let ((ctree (tree-get-tree tree path)))
    (if (is-a? ctree <tree>)
        (set! (value ctree) (proc (value ctree) val))
        (tree-set! tree path (proc #f val)))
#(define-method (tree-get-tree (tree <tree>) (path <list>))
  (if (= (length path) 0)
      (let* ((ckey (car path))
             (cpath (cdr path))
             (child (hash-ref (children tree) ckey))
        (if (is-a? child <tree>)
            (tree-get-tree child cpath)
#(define-method (tree-get (tree <tree>) (path <list>))
  (let ((ctree (tree-get-tree tree path)))
    (if (is-a? ctree <tree>) (value ctree) #f)))
#(define-method (tree-get-from-path (tree <tree>) (path <list>) skey val)
  (if (equal? skey (key tree))(set! val (value tree)))
  (let ((child (hash-ref (children tree) skey)))
    (if (is-a? child <tree>)(set! val (value child))))
  (if (= (length path) 0)
      (let* ((ckey (car path))
             (cpath (cdr path))
             (child (hash-ref (children tree) ckey))
        (if (is-a? child <tree>)
            (tree-get-from-path child cpath skey val)
#(define-method (tree-get-keys (tree <tree>) (path <list>))
  (if (= (length path) 0)
      (hash-map->list (lambda (key value) key) (children tree))
      (let* ((ckey (car path))
             (cpath (cdr path))
             (child (hash-ref (children tree) ckey))
        (if (is-a? child <tree>)
            (tree-get-keys child cpath)

#(define-method (tree-dispatch (tree <tree>) (path <list>) (relative <list>) 
  (let ((val (value tree)))
    (if (= (length path) 0)
        (if val (cons '() val)(cons relative def))
        (let* ((ckey (car path))
               (cpath (cdr path))
               (child (hash-ref (children tree) ckey))
          (if (or val (not (list? relative))) (set! relative '()))
          (if val (set! def (value tree)))
          (if (is-a? child <tree>)
              (tree-dispatch child cpath `(,@relative ,ckey) def)
              `((,@relative ,@path) . ,def))

#(define-method (tree-collect (tree <tree>) (path <list>) (vals <stack>))
  (let ((val (value tree)))
    (if (> (length path) 0)
        (let* ((ckey (car path))
               (cpath (cdr path))
               (child (hash-ref (children tree) ckey))
          (if (is-a? child <tree>) (tree-collect child cpath vals))
    (if val (push vals val))
    (reverse (store vals))

#(define (stdsort p1 p2)
  (let ((v1 (car p1))
        (v2 (car p2)))
     ((and (number? v1) (number? v2)) (< v1 v2))
     ((and (ly:moment? v1) (ly:moment? v2)) (ly:moment<? v1 v2))
     (else (string-ci<? (format "~A" v1) (format "~A" v2)))
#(define-method (tree-walk (tree <tree>) (path <list>) (callback <procedure>) . 
  (let ((dosort (assoc-get 'sort opts))
        (sortby (assoc-get 'sortby opts stdsort))
        (doempty (assoc-get 'empty opts)))
    (if (or doempty (value tree))
        (callback path (key tree) (value tree)))
    (for-each (lambda (p)
                (tree-walk (cdr p) `(,@path ,(car p)) callback `(sort . 
,dosort) `(sortby . ,sortby) `(empty . ,doempty)))
      (if dosort (sort (hash-table->alist (children tree)) sortby)
          (hash-table->alist (children tree)) ))
#(define-method (tree-walk-branch (tree <tree>) (path <list>) (callback 
<procedure>) . opts)
  (let ((dosort (assoc-get 'sort opts))
        (sortby (assoc-get 'sortby opts stdsort))
        (doempty (assoc-get 'empty opts))
        (ctree (tree-get-tree tree path)))
    (if (is-a? ctree <tree>)
        (tree-walk ctree path callback `(sort . ,dosort) `(sortby . ,sortby) 
`(empty . ,doempty)))
#(define-public (tree-display tree . opt)
  (let ((path (ly:assoc-get 'path opt '() #f))
        (dosort (ly:assoc-get 'sort opt #t #f))
        (sortby (assoc-get 'sortby opt stdsort))
        (empty (ly:assoc-get 'empty opt #f #f))
        (dval (ly:assoc-get 'value opt #t #f))
        (vformat (ly:assoc-get 'vformat opt (lambda (v)(format "~A" v)) #f))
        (pformat (ly:assoc-get 'pformat opt (lambda (v)(format "~A" v)) #f))
        (pathsep (ly:assoc-get 'pathsep opt "/" #f))
        (port (ly:assoc-get 'port opt (current-output-port))))
    (tree-walk-branch tree path
      (lambda (path k val)
        (format #t "[~A] ~A" (key tree) (string-join (map pformat path) pathsep 
'infix) port)
        (if (and dval val) (begin
                            (display ": " port)
                            (display (vformat val) port)
        (newline port)
        ) `(sort . ,dosort) `(sortby . ,sortby) `(empty . ,empty) )
#(define-public (tree->string tree . opt)
   (lambda (port)
     (apply tree-display tree (assoc-set! opt 'port port))

#(define-method (display (tree <tree>) port)
  (let ((tkey (key tree)))
    (tree-display tree)))

#(define-public (tree? tree)(is-a? tree <tree>))
#(define-public (tree-create . key)
  (let ((k (if (> (length key) 0)(car key) 'node)))
    (make <tree> #:key k)

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