Hi Peter,

Peter Bjuhr wrote
> I have some problems interpreting what the conclusions from your 
> reasoning would be and what it would imply for LilyPond. It would be 
> rewarding for me and perhaps for yourself if you could expand a little 
> on these lines of thought.

Look, I do pretty much agree with everything you wrote. I do understand what
are the pitfals from following rules, where they can be subjective, where
they can be useless and all that. But my problem started in a very simpler
way before becoming a discussion of such size. In the beginning, I basically
wrote that "I believe that I found certain behaviors from LilyPond that seem
to: a) go against what at least one source states, b) go against most (or
all) of my other scores, c) I subjectively find a bit ugly". This is true to
my discussion here concerning the spacing between clef/time signature and
the first note, and also the other discussion (in a different post) about
bar number positions.

Regardless of that, I really hope I didn't gave the impression I want to
force people to change certain things on LilyPond only because of what I
think. I already exposed my thoughts, and that is all. People are invited to
discuss, agree or disagree with me, and I am happy with any of those. In
this particular subject, my views seem to be part of a minority here, which
is totally fair. So I will happily leave things as they are and continue to
simply use my tweaks and overrides as I usually do. 

Take care and thanks for all your replies,

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