----- Original Message ----- From: "Kieren MacMillan" <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca>
To: "Phil Holmes" <m...@philholmes.net>
Cc: "Urs Liska" <u...@openlilylib.org>; "Lilypond-User Mailing List" <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: Beam positions and time signature spacing


> [if] you don't use slurs to indicate melisma, how do you indicate it - > especially with crochets, minims and semi-breves?

Lyric extenders are necessary and (to some eyes) sufficient.

Slurs are simply “suspenders and a belt”… and I happen to be one of those who vigorously ensure that my pants stay up. =)


Early music tends to work like that, and I find that intensely hard to sight read.

Phil Holmes

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