On 29.10.2013, at 07:52, ArnoldTheresius <arnold.we...@siemens.com> wrote:
> Hello, > I see two options: > > 1. Build your own font which includes the additional glyphs (and all the > other accidental glyphs, too). > Then make LILYPOND use this new font for all accidentals. > > 2. Replace the stencil function of the Accidentals by your own scheme > procedure. > This will return your "combined stencil" for your additions, but will call > the original stencil function for all the other standard glyphs. I expect, > you will have to "wrap" some other callback functions of this GROB in the > same way. > > You may find some more information how to solve it if your search for: > sagittal (uses microtonal accidentals from an extra font) > lilyJAZZ (also uses it's own notation font, as far as I've noticed) > bold tenuto in the LSR (wraps the stencil function for articulations to > return stencils build of simple geometry for tenuto and portato) > > I hope, this information will help you to proceed, > ArnoldTheresius Hi Arnold, thanks for your hints! MeanwhileI found a third solution. It's somewhat dirty but it does the (visual) job without me having to define new note names. So in case someone runs into the same problem: \version "2.17.29" sharpdoublesharp = { \once \override Accidental.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print \once \override Accidental.text = \markup { \concat { \musicglyph #"accidentals.sharp" \musicglyph #"accidentals.doublesharp" } } \once \override Staff.AccidentalPlacement #'right-padding = #1.25 } { \sharpdoublesharp cisis' } cheers patrick _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user