
You should ask on lilypond-user

On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 1:07 AM, Clive So <cliv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Han-Wen,
> I have been studying 31 equal temperament and wish to implement Adriaan
> Fokker's notation in Lilypond. I would very much appreciate it if you could
> give me some help.
> In search for a solution, I found a 2008 thread between you and Graham
> Breed:
> http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Arbitrary-accidental-glyphs-td110936.html.
> This seems to correspond to my problem, but unfortunately it is way beyond
> my technical ability. I have even tried to study his codes for using
> Sagittal in Lilypond (http://x31eq.com/lilypond/), but it was again too
> technical for me. Editing the Metafont source also seems too difficult.
> I have also tried directly editing emmentaler-20.otf using FontForge, but
> the it ignores the "tables" and messes up the file after saving. Lilypond
> gives up and uses emmentaler-23 instead!
> Lilypond already has the necessary degree of precision (is, isih, isis, es,
> eseh, eses), but Fokker's accidentals have specific meaning and seem more
> legible when reading at speed. I have adapted the Feta-20 glyphs and created
> a font (see attachment) containing just the necessary accidentals (normal
> sharp, flat and natural; new semisharp, sesquisharp, semiflat and
> sesquiflat). "Fokker2" is the FontForge source file.
> Any solution, elegant or not, will do. It's just I've tried hard but I
> haven't got anywhere. I have a feeling that it's something a Lilypond
> developer can accomplish in 15 minutes, but can take people like me months
> to learn all the necessary skills before getting anywhere near.
> If you have time to solve my problem, I think the simplest way would be that
> you typeset IMAG207.jpg into Lilypond, and then I can learn directly from
> your code.
> Thank you in advance for all your help and thank you for all your efforts in
> the continued development of this excellent programme!
> Clive

Han-Wen Nienhuys - han...@xs4all.nl - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

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