pls-2 wrote
> Hey all,
> I'd like to be able to call some rare accidentals by their own note names.
> ...
> Thanks for your help!
> patrick
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I see two options:

1. Build your own font which includes the additional glyphs (and all the
other accidental glyphs, too).
Then make LILYPOND use this new font for all accidentals.

2. Replace the stencil function of the Accidentals by your own scheme
This will return your "combined stencil" for your additions, but will call
the original stencil function for all the other standard glyphs. I expect,
you will have to "wrap" some other callback functions of this GROB in the
same way.

You may find some more information how to solve it if your search for:
sagittal (uses microtonal accidentals from an extra font)
lilyJAZZ (also uses it's own notation font, as far as I've noticed)
bold tenuto in the LSR (wraps the stencil function for articulations to
return stencils build of simple geometry for tenuto and portato)

I hope, this information will help you to proceed,

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