I did not mean to criticize anyone but to learn how to use the software
completely. And that was my fault as I did not watch which documentation I
read, ie the version. I'm sorry. I think lilypond has a great community and
i did't have to wait more that 12h to get at least a response. This is very
fast in my opinion. Meny people care and i appreciated that. But to start
for scratch is hard and help is always encouraging.

On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 12:09 PM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:

> "Peter Gentry" <peter.gen...@sunscales.co.uk> writes:
> > This conversation is throwing much light on the difficulty that even
> > the computer literate face when trying to learn the Lilypond
> > Scheme interface.
> By using documentation from 5 years ago with a current version of
> LilyPond.  Preceding my work on usability.
> I don't consider it fair to judge LilyPond and the work that has been
> invested into it in that area on that base.
> > In this case the simple addition of a mark is seen to be very complex
> > with procedures and arguments that are counter intuitive (or at least
> > nowhere near intuitive). Nor are they and their uses fully defined in
> > the manuals (I'm sure it is obvious to a developer but confusing to an
> > outsider).
> Get real.  define-music-function is explained pretty well, and the
> function is
> addmarkup =
> #(define-markup-function (parser location mark music)
>   (markup? ly:music?)
>   #{ \mark #mark #music #})
> which is a dead-simple wrapper not really involving any Scheme
> programming, and the obvious way to do this once you have read the
> documentation.  If you also want to allow for
> \addmarkup \default { c'd' e' f' }, this becomes
> #(define-markup-function (parser location mark music)
>   ((markup?) ly:music?)
>   (if mark
>      #{ \mark #mark #music #}
>      #{ \mark \default #music #}))
> which is more intricate but still a very basic wrapper once you bother
> looking up \default and/or optional function arguments.
> > Secondly there are apparently several ways to skin the cat and
> > contexts that are not immediately obvious.
> If you try doing things in a complex manner unnecessarily, possibly
> triggered by very old documentation, you can expect complex problems.
> > Guidance at the gateway would be a very productive way to spread the
> > use of Lilypond beyond highly qualified developers into the more
> > mundane world of the everyday user.
> So what do you think I have been doing for the last two years?
> > None of this is criticism of the project which is a remarkable
> > achievment - more a cry from the wilderness for a helping hand to
> > newcomers. Actually not so much a helping hand more an appreciation of
> > the misconceptions and misunderstandings that plague the tyro.
> Try starting with the documentation corresponding to the version you are
> using.  The above examples are for the current version, but 2.16 works
> almost the same except for requiring $music instead of #music in the
> expressions.
> And yes, the documentation goes to a lot of effort in order to explain
> the details.  And yes, this was awfully documented and awful to use in
> 2.12, the documentation that the original poster chose to consult.
> --
> David Kastrup
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