2013/4/16 Richard Shann <richard.sh...@virgin.net>:
> On Tue, 2013-04-16 at 15:44 +0200, Janek Warchoł wrote:
>> btw, maybe it would be possible to skip that "click on the middle
>> line" part of you used David Nalesnik's \offset
>> https://codereview.appspot.com/8647044/ ?
> That sounds attractive, though I don't understand enough of the
> terminology to follow what this \offset is going to do. (I discovered
> that the X-offset,Y-offset values were relative to the staff-center line
> and notehead red dot by trial-and-error rather than reading the manual).
> I think there probably has to be a second positioning click after
> designating the trill as the object of interest, but it could be on the
> notehead's red dot(*). So if \offset then took values relative to that
> point (the nothead's red dot) this would be easy to do and a more
> natural interface.

No, \offset takes value relative to default offset.  See here for a
working exampple:


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