On 16/04/13 01:00, Paul Morris wrote:
On Apr 15, 2013, at 10:48 AM, Peter Toye <lilyp...@ptoye.com
<mailto:lilyp...@ptoye.com>> wrote:
One problem I'm having is that it's not easy to find things in the
documentation. As with all language systems,. you spend an awful lot
of time searching.....
I have had good luck searching the Notation Reference index page
(using your browser's "find" command"):
My habit with each new release of Lilypond is to create a fully indexed
PDF portfolio from the various PDF manuals (extending.pdf,
internals.pdf, learning.pdf, notation.pdf, snippets.pdf, usage.pdf,
web.pdf), so that I can easily search across all manuals at once. The
portfolio for the latest development version is here (56Mb in size):
You need to use Adobe Reader 9 or later, as third party PDF readers
can't cope with PDF portfolios.
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