Re: Newbie problemsIf you would be willing to make suggestions about what the 
changes should be, we would try to incorporate them.

Phil Holmes

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Peter Toye 
  To: Federico Bruni 
  Cc: lilypond-user Mailinglist 
  Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 9:46 AM
  Subject: Re: Newbie problems

  I've realised that there's a silly problem here, which isn't Lilypond's 
fault. One really needs two different defaults for opening a .ly file: one to 
edit it (Lilypad, Frescobaldi etc.) and one to engrave it (Lilypond). And 
Microsoft, curse them, in Windows 7 and later removed the possibility for users 
to add menu items to the right-click on an icon. I'm told that you can still do 
it with a registry fix (dangerous), but that's not much consolation.

  Maybe the documentation could do with a bit of tweaking here?

  Sunday, April 14, 2013, 1:38:44 PM, you wrote:

  2013/4/14 Peter Toye <>
  Just starting to try out Lilypond, and finding a few problems in getting to 
work at all.

  The OS is Windows 7, if that makes any difference.

  which version of lilypond?
  1) Double-clicking on a .ly file gets into Wordpad, and doesn't compile the 
file. To compile it I have to drag-and-drop the file onto the Lilypond icon on 
the desktop. This doesn't seem to conform to the documentation.

  I think that you have to associate the .ly extension with Lilypad.
  BTW, I recommend using Frescobaldi instead of Lilypad:
  2) Once it's compiled there's no output, just a log file without errors (see 

  # -*-compilation-*-
  Processing `D:/Peter/Music/Lilypond/'
  Interpreting music...[8]
  Preprocessing graphical objects...
  Finding the ideal number of pages...
  Fitting music on 1 page...
  Drawing systems...

  can you see a pdf file here?


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