
I think it's there. It's not easy to distinguish between the ">>" in the 
Lilypond code and the ">>" in the mailing list quotes!

But it now seems to be working - I'm not sure why!

Don't understand your comment about "R1" - I'm following the "learning" manual 
which uses "r" for rests.

Best regards,


Sunday, April 14, 2013, 6:43:02 PM, you wrote:

> Hi Peter,

">>>" (without quotes) is missing at the end of your code.
> Also, I recommend using R1 instead of r1.

> Thomas

> -------- Original-Nachricht --------

>> -------------------------
>> Sunday, April 14, 2013, 1:44:33 PM, you wrote:
>>> Federico Bruni <> schrieb:
>>>> 2013/4/14 Peter Toye <>
>>>>>   Just starting to try out Lilypond, and finding a few problems in
>>>> getting
>>>>> to work at all.
>>>>> The OS is Windows 7, if that makes any difference.
>>>> which version of lilypond?
>> The latest download. 2.16.2 I think.
>>>>> 1) Double-clicking on a .ly file gets into Wordpad, and doesn't
>>>> compile
>>>>> the file. To compile it I have to drag-and-drop the file onto the
>>>> Lilypond
>>>>> icon on the desktop. This doesn't seem to conform to the
>>>> documentation.
>>>> I think that you have to associate the .ly extension with Lilypad.
>> That would seem to be the case. It's the sort of thing I'd expect the 
>> installation routine to do automatically.
>>>> BTW, I recommend using Frescobaldi instead of Lilypad:
>> Is this the right place to be recommending a rival product? I'll have a 
>> look. Thanks.
>>>>> 2) Once it's compiled there's no output, just a log file without
>>>> errors
>>>>> (see below).
>>>>> # -*-compilation-*-
>>>>> Processing `D:/Peter/Music/Lilypond/'
>>>>> Parsing...
>>>>> Interpreting music...[8]
>>>>> Preprocessing graphical objects...
>>>>> Finding the ideal number of pages...
>>>>> Fitting music on 1 page...
>>>>> Drawing systems...
>>>> can you see a pdf file here?
>>>> D:/Peter/Music/Lilypond/Warlock1.pdf
>>> If "Drawing systems" really is the end of the output there's something 
>>> wrong.
>> No, there's no PDF file. If there were, I wouldn't have commented!
>>> Could you post your file?
>>> Urs
>> see below. Nothing (I hope) too complex, until I get over the learning curve.
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> \version "2.16.2"  % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.
>> \header{
>>    title = "Lullaby"
>>    composer= "Peter Warlock"
>>    arranger="Peter Toye"
>> }
>> \language "english"
>> <<
>> \new Staff { \clef "treble" \key f \minor \time 4/4 \relative c''
>>      { r1 | af4 bf c f | ef8 df8 c4 df8 cf bf4 | c2 r |
>>        r1 | af4 bf c f | c8 bf af4 g8 f d4 | f2 r2 |
>>      }
>>    }
>> \new Staff { \clef "treble_8" \key f \minor \relative c'
>>      { r1 | f4 g4 af4 c4 | bf4 af2 g4 | af2 r2 |
>>        r1 | f4 g af bf | g f d d | c2 r2 |
>>      }
>>    }
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