Sunday, April 14, 2013, 1:44:33 PM, you wrote:

> Federico Bruni <fedel...@gmail.com> schrieb:

>>2013/4/14 Peter Toye <lilyp...@ptoye.com>
>>>  Just starting to try out Lilypond, and finding a few problems in
>>> to work at all.
>>> The OS is Windows 7, if that makes any difference.
>>which version of lilypond?

The latest download. 2.16.2 I think.

>>> 1) Double-clicking on a .ly file gets into Wordpad, and doesn't
>>> the file. To compile it I have to drag-and-drop the file onto the
>>> icon on the desktop. This doesn't seem to conform to the
>>I think that you have to associate the .ly extension with Lilypad.

That would seem to be the case. It's the sort of thing I'd expect the 
installation routine to do automatically.

>>BTW, I recommend using Frescobaldi instead of Lilypad:

Is this the right place to be recommending a rival product? I'll have a look. 

>>> 2) Once it's compiled there's no output, just a log file without
>>> (see below).
>>> # -*-compilation-*-
>>> Processing `D:/Peter/Music/Lilypond/Warlock1.ly'
>>> Parsing...
>>> Interpreting music...[8]
>>> Preprocessing graphical objects...
>>> Finding the ideal number of pages...
>>> Fitting music on 1 page...
>>> Drawing systems...
>>can you see a pdf file here?
> If "Drawing systems" really is the end of the output there's something wrong.

No, there's no PDF file. If there were, I wouldn't have commented!

> Could you post your file?
> Urs

see below. Nothing (I hope) too complex, until I get over the learning curve.

\version "2.16.2"  % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.

  title = "Lullaby"
  composer= "Peter Warlock"
  arranger="Peter Toye"

\language "english"


\new Staff { \clef "treble" \key f \minor \time 4/4 \relative c''
    { r1 | af4 bf c f | ef8 df8 c4 df8 cf bf4 | c2 r | 
      r1 | af4 bf c f | c8 bf af4 g8 f d4 | f2 r2 |

\new Staff { \clef "treble_8" \key f \minor \relative c'
    { r1 | f4 g4 af4 c4 | bf4 af2 g4 | af2 r2 |
      r1 | f4 g af bf | g f d d | c2 r2 | 


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