On 02/04/2013 15:04, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
On 03/30/2013 01:02 AM, Alexander Kobel wrote:
On the other hand, user C /should/ be allowed to distribute source code under
whatever license he wants to /as long as he doesn't ship the GPL libraries with
it./  It's useless without them, but anybody who wants to run or compile the
code is free to download the necessary GPL'ed stuff.
If I write a computer program which uses functions from a GPL'd library, it
doesn't matter whether I distribute an executable or just source code, and it
doesn't matter whether I distribute the source code alongside the GPL'd
libraries or as an individual file.  It's a derivative work under the GPL and
must be licensed accordingly when distributed.

See: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#IfInterpreterIsGPL
This feels just flat out wrong to me! I note that the faq mentions Java which is a COMPILED language, and you are distributing a .java executable which probably does contain a load of library code linked in. And it references Perl modules, again implying you are distributing other peoples' work mixed with your own. So imho this faq is discussing the clear scenario where your source pulls other peoples' code in before distribution. imho, if you write a computer program which uses functions from a GPL library (by the way, what is "a GPL library"?) you can quite happily distribute the SOURCE under a restrictive licence. Indeed, this legal claim (that using functions creates a derivative work) is exactly the claim that Oracle tried with Android and Java, and they came a royal cropper with it.

But as a simple matter of law, if I write a load of text and DON'T COPY other stuff into it, then my work is NOT a derivative of anything and I can licence it how the heck I like.

So if your lilypond file is a single monolithic document, and you wrote ALL of it (even if that "all" includes things like "/include english.ly", then, AS A MATTER OF LAW your file is not a derivative work of lilypond, and the GPL is irrelevant - you can distribute it as a completely proprietary "you must not copy this work" file if you wish. (Obviously, if your lilypond work is not monolithic, but again, you wrote ALL of it, the same rule applies.)

The ONLY thing that can make your work subject to lilypond's GPL licence is whether or not it is a derivative work of lilypond. And if you haven't copied anything from lilypond into it, then your work is not derivative. /include directives are not enough to make a derivative work (plus, it's the *recipient* that actually carries out the include and makes the derivative). (And it's the LAW that determines whether a work is derivative - the FSF's faq merely lays out what they think the law is.)


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