Adam Spiers <> writes:

> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 6:51 AM, David Kastrup <> wrote:
>> Adam Spiers <> writes:
>>> On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 5:22 PM, David Kastrup <> wrote:
>>>> Adam Spiers <> writes:
>>>>> I just blogged about this:
>>>> Well, I see some fatally flawed assumptions here, riding on your
>>>> notion "both MuseScore and GNU LilyPond would serve as excellent
>>>> starting points for a world-class music notation product."
>>>> Now I can't vouch for MuseScore, but GNU LilyPond is anything but a
>>>> "starting point" for software development.  It is large with an
>>>> elaborate and complex architecture.  And most particularly, an
>>>> architecture that is not the core expertise of the former Sibelius
>>>> development team.
>>> I don't follow your logic here at all.

And it is clear that you won't, so we might as well call it a day.
Anybody actually interested in the argument has had ample opportunity to
make himself acquainted with our reasonings.

David Kastrup

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