Am 24.01.2013 05:56, schrieb Marcos Press:
>     Yes, because 1/3 is not the moment you want (I think).
>     Try
>         set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 6 8)
> Actualy the moment I want would be the one that I can get with separated
> \times. Like:
> \times 6/4 { e16[ fis g gis] }
> \times 6/4 { a16[ ais b b] }
> But, wich would be the moment with only one \times?

#(ly:make-moment 6 8) produces separately grouped tuplets every 6/8 -
which is probably a full measure in your case (if you use \times 6/8).
In general, if you want to group tuplets after x/y, the function
#(ly:make-moment x y) will produce this duration.

If you want the triplets lasting half of such a 6/8 measure, you can use

  \time 6/8
  \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 3 8)
  \times 6/4 { e16[ fis g gis] a16[ ais b b] }


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