>>> Wow.  This is a large project in terms of glyph coverage then. :-)
>> It can evolve, starting with Latin-1 & Latin-2, for example.
> That makes sense.

And Latin-2 covers Polish also...

Urs writes:

> > Sorry to say, but this is utter nonsense.  It's a matter of fact
> > that from an international point of view Poland is not relevant to
> > opera, as Austria is not relevant to musical, for example.  It
> > doesn't diminish the value of Polish music!
> Maybe true. But it doesn't change the fact that it should be
> possible to typeset scores in practically any language, if LilyPond
> wants to be 'for everyone'.

This won't happen.  There doesn't exist a single font in the world
which covers all languages.  In other words, there must be
compromises.  Latin-1, Latin-2, Cyrillic, and IPA is probably
sufficient for 99% of retyping classical music.

Continuing with Eben's reply:

>> Not really.  Of course it is good to have them, but this is not
>> essential for the beginning IMHO.  Note that Lilypond currently
>> can't access OpenType features.
> That would be a good reason to have separate fonts for all caps
> then.

This is a possibility, yes.

>> The `Tempo di Menuetto' font is the lyrics font enlarged, and both
>> `Servilia' and `Arie' is displayed with completely different fonts.
> Right.  Is that difference in the service of telling the reader
> different categories of things?  Is the style a label of a category
> of information?

Yes, partly.

> Maybe you need 4 designs - a regular high contrast condensed, a
> bold, a low contrast and an italic.

For the start I would like to simply have a text font...

>> Well, right now Lilypond's font interface is very primitive, so
>> tracking or other nifty font features are not supported yet.
> I see. So then you would just want to make a good compromise in the
> basic spacing to make it a very space efficient font.

Sounds sensible.


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