Hello Janek!

> ?!  How are we supposed to typeset Frédéric Chopin's songs written
> to polish lyrics, then?  Or Moniuszko's operas?
> [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanis%C5%82aw_Moniuszko#Operas]
> As a Pole i feel seriously discriminated - after all, isn't LilyPond
> supposed to provide "music notation for _everyone_"?

I'm a pianist, and I know Chopin very well and like him a lot, but I
have *never* heard or played a song written by him.  Regarding operas
of Moniuszko, let's have a look at the statistics from
http://www.operabase.com, for example the rank of the most performed
composers and the associated language of the last five years:

  #1  Verdi        Italian          (3020 szenical runs)
  #2  Mozart       German/Italian   (2410)
  #8  Bizet        French           (654)
  #9  Handel       English/Italian  (598)
  #10 Tchaikovsky  Russian          (432)
  #15 Lehár        Hungarian/German (281)
  #18 Janáček      Czech            (209)
  #59 Moniuszko    Polish           (32)
  #87 Chapí        Spanish (?)      (21)
  #96 Saariaho     Finnish (?)      (18)

> It seems as if you thought that polish people don't write their own
> music...

Sorry to say, but this is utter nonsense.  It's a matter of fact that
from an international point of view Poland is not relevant to opera,
as Austria is not relevant to musical, for example.  It doesn't
diminish the value of Polish music!

> Of course i'm sure that it wasn't your intention to offend me,
> Werner, but nevertheless i feel quite disregarded. :-/

Please re-think your feelings.


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