vern adams <> writes:

> On 9 Jan 2013, at 08:54, Werner LEMBERG <> wrote:
>> Vern, can you give a rough estimate about the financial frame?
> Yes i would generally echo what Dave and Eben have said said on costs;
> and note these would be minimum costs;

To put this into perspective: the LilyPond community accessible through
this list is likely to invest about €12000-€15000 this year to keep me
working fulltime on LilyPond (current focus mostly input layers,
(re-)architecture, bug fixes, release organization, evangelization).

That is an impressive sum, and it is taxing the finances of people who
are quite often also significantly investing time into LilyPond.

The estimated font costs appear in a similar ballpark, but are "just"
one angle, admittedly an important one.

There is a good chance that LilyPond can do decidedly better than it
does now without the necessity of producing new fonts, by making better
use of currently available free fonts.  I'd rather see those venues
explored first.

But more importantly: _iff_ LilyPond and Feta are supposed to acquire a
new and consistent look via new fonts, then we should try to involve
those financially who are going to profit from it beyond the immediate
LilyPond core community.

Namely those reaping its benefits in various web and other publishing
services (Philomelos, and, and via Scorio Schott and others)
via the LilyPond route, but also other projects like Rosegarden,
MuseScore and so on who "merely" use the Feta fonts (unless I am
mistaken) and would also benefit from a hand-tailored text and chord
font distributed with it.

David Kastrup

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