2012/12/18 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org>:
> Thomas Morley writes:
>> please:
> Can you please don't shout, esp. not to our users?

Hi Arle, Jan,

I apologize having been impolite.

>> Attach them!
>> I'm surely not alone with filtering them out.
> Why would anyone do that?

In the past I was sometimes beaten by spam.
And I'm absolutly nerved by online-commercials.
So I block/filter where possible.

> People will inline pictures and I find that
> very useful.  Werner has sent many many clear bug reports using inline
> pictures, much friendlier than attached.
> If you can't handle them, you may consider using the mailing list
> archives
>     http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2012-12/msg00556.html
> Greetings, Jan

I could allow inline-images, but for the reasons above I don't _want_
them to be shown.
As I wrote before, I'm aware of the possibility to refer to the archives.

I'll post a suggestion in one of the other threads.


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