Arle Lommel <fenevad <at>> writes:

> I have run into an odd little aesthetic issue. I'm finding that
> some eighth (or shorter) notes get stems that
> are too short when they stick out from the staff.

I see you have plenty of answers already, but if you use the list of values
that LilyPond uses internally 

\relative c'' {
   \override Stem #'details #'stem-shorten =  #'(1.0 0.5)
   <d g b>16 \stemDown <d f, d> } 

then you might comment on the recommendation for improvement here
which will probably prompt some action.

LilyPond's default is the list I typed above : shorten stems with zero flags 
by 1.0 staffspace, stems with one-or-more flags by 0.5 staff space.   
I guess you will like something closer to  #'(1.0 0.3 0.2)
where the extra entry is for stem with two-or-more flags

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