Nick Payne <nick.payne <at>> writes:

> On 24/11/12 13:34, Keith OHara wrote:
> >     \once\override TextSpanner #'to-barline = ##t
> >       <>\startTextSpan
> >       $music
> >       <>\stopTextSpan

> Why is lilypond thinking that the 
> TextSpanner is breaking across staves when it isn't? 

This function stops the Text Spanner at the first opportunity /after/ 
$music so if $music ends on a line-break, the spanner continues to the 
first note on the next line.  'to-barline=#t is the option to omit 
drawing the short section on the next line.

The other barre function at
> %
disassembles $music to insert a \stopTextSpan just before the final note.
This assumes that $music is a single sequence, not something like 
   << {...} // {...} >>
but it would work better with your method of handling line breaks.

> I was testing this barre function without the tabstaff stuff 

You could instead   \set Staff.minimumFret ...
so it works with- or without the Tab Staff

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