2012/11/22 Federico Bruni <fedel...@gmail.com>:
> Hi LilyPonders,
> I've updated to 2.16 the following piece of Mutopia:
> http://www.mutopiaproject.org/cgibin/piece-info.cgi?id=636
> Can anyone review it?
> I had to do a lot of changes...
> Also, I have a problem with TabStaff.
> When I started to update the input I used also TabStaff, then I commented it
> and added other changes.  Now if I uncomment it again I get the following
> error:
> lilypond 2.16.1 [faure-sicilienne.ly] in avvio...
> Processing `/home/fede/faure-sicilienne.ly'
> Parsing...
> Interpreting music...translation-functions.scm: In procedure list-ref in
> expression (list-ref tuning (1- string)):
> translation-functions.scm: Value out of range 0 to 4294967295: -1
> It's a dropped D tuning and I can't see any note out of range.
> What I'm missing?
> Any suggestion is appreciated.
> BTW, for those interested in contributing to Mutopia, check out this thread:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/mutopia-discuss@mutopiaproject.org/msg00186.html
> It would be nice to promote a "Christmas sprint" and encourage LilyPond
> users to update Mutopia files to latest stable. Well, as soon as a new team
> of Mutopia admins is setup.
> Thanks
> --
> Federico
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Hi Federico,
in one case you used \0 as StringNumber-indication. Seems it crashes
when used in a TabStaff.
Try: \new TabStaff { <d\0> }

I made a bug-report:


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