On 26/11/12 12:37, Keith OHara wrote:
Nick Payne <nick.payne <at> internode.on.net> writes:

On 24/11/12 13:34, Keith OHara wrote:
     \once\override TextSpanner #'to-barline = ##t
Why is lilypond thinking that the
TextSpanner is breaking across staves when it isn't?
This function stops the Text Spanner at the first opportunity /after/
$music so if $music ends on a line-break, the spanner continues to the
first note on the next line.  'to-barline=#t is the option to omit
drawing the short section on the next line.

The other barre function at
% http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=857
disassembles $music to insert a \stopTextSpan just before the final note.
This assumes that $music is a single sequence, not something like
    << {...} // {...} >>
but it would work better with your method of handling line breaks.

Thanks. I had a look at http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=857. However, even with a single sequence, in some situations it doesn't handle braces during the barre - e.g. if you try

\barre V { c4 c c \times 2/3 { c8 c c } }

there's no error indication but the spanner stops too soon at the start of the tuplet. Interestingly, this problem only happens if the contained braces terminate at the same point as the barre, as

\barre V { c4 c \times 2/3 { c8 c c } c4 }

continues the spanner to the correct note. I don't know enough about Scheme to figure out what the problem is.


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