Hi LilyPonders,
I've updated to 2.16 the following piece of Mutopia:
Can anyone review it?
I had to do a lot of changes...
Also, I have a problem with TabStaff.
When I started to update the input I used also TabStaff, then I
commented it and added other changes. Now if I uncomment it again I get
the following error:
lilypond 2.16.1 [faure-sicilienne.ly] in avvio...
Processing `/home/fede/faure-sicilienne.ly'
Interpreting music...translation-functions.scm: In procedure list-ref in
expression (list-ref tuning (1- string)):
translation-functions.scm: Value out of range 0 to 4294967295: -1
It's a dropped D tuning and I can't see any note out of range.
What I'm missing?
Any suggestion is appreciated.
BTW, for those interested in contributing to Mutopia, check out this thread:
It would be nice to promote a "Christmas sprint" and encourage LilyPond
users to update Mutopia files to latest stable. Well, as soon as a new
team of Mutopia admins is setup.
\version "2.16.0"
#(define RH rightHandFinger)
% Function contributed by Thomas Morley:
% http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=857
barre =
#(define-music-function (parser location strg music)(string? ly:music?)
(let ((arg (string-append "B " strg)))
\override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left text) = $arg
#(let ((elts (ly:music-property music 'elements)))
(make-music 'SequentialMusic 'elements
(list (make-music 'TextSpanEvent 'span-direction -1))
(reverse (cdr (reverse elts)))
(list (make-music 'TextSpanEvent 'span-direction 1))
(list (last elts)))))
\header {
title = "Sicilienne (Op 78)"
composer = "Gabriel Fauré"
copyright = "Domaine Public - Transcription guitare Ludovic Alexandre Morin - revue et doigtée Olivier Flatrès - 20/11/05"
mutopiatitle = "Sicilienne"
mutopiacomposer = "FaureG"
mutopiaopus = "O 78"
mutopiainstrument = "Guitar"
date = "19th Century"
source = "Transcription"
style = "Romantic"
typesetter = "Olivier Flatrs"
maintainer = "Federico Bruni"
lastupdated = \markup {
\simple #(strftime "%x" (localtime (current-time)))
footer = "Mutopia-2005/11/25-636"
tagline = \markup {
\override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.7)
\box \center-column { \small
\line { Sheet music from \with-url #"http://www.MutopiaProject.org" \line { \teeny www. MutopiaProject \teeny .org \hspace #0.5 } ⢠\hspace #0.5 \italic Free to download, with the \italic freedom to distribute, modify and perform. }
\line { \small \line { Typeset using \with-url #"http://www.LilyPond.org" \line { \teeny www. LilyPond \teeny .org } by \typesetter \hspace #-1.0 ⢠Updated by \maintainer on \lastupdated } }
\line { \teeny \line { This sheet music has been placed in the public domain by the typesetter, for details see: \hspace #-0.5 \with-url #"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain } } }
global = {
\time 6/8
\key bes \major
first = \relative c {
\partial 8 <d\5-3-\RH #2 >8_>
\repeat volta 2 {
%\override StringNumber #'padding = #1.5
<g-\RH #3 >16-> <d\5-3-\RH #2 > <g\4-\RH #4 > d\5 \barre III { <bes'\3-1-\RH #3 >-> <g\4-\RH #2 > <d'-\RH #3 >-> <f,-\RH #1 > <bes-\RH #2 > <d-\RH #3 > <g-\RH #4 >8-> } |
<bes-1-\RH #3 >16-> <d,\3-3-\RH #2 > <g\2-4-\RH #4 > a-> g8\2-> \barre III { a16 c,\3 d c\3 d8-> } |
\barre I { <d-\RH #3 >8.-> <c-1-\RH #3 >16-> e8-> d8.-> c16-> e8-> } |
<d-2-\RH #3 >16-> <fis,-3-\RH #1 > <a-1-\RH #2 > fis a fis <d'-\RH #4 >8 <a-\RH #3 > <d,\0-\RH #2 >-> |
g16-> <d\5-3-\RH #2 > <g\4-\RH #4 > d\5 \barre III { <bes'\3-1-\RH #3 >-> g\4 d'-> f, bes d f8\2-> } |
\barre I { <aes-4-\RH #4 >16-> <aes,-\RH #2 > <c-\RH #3 > <g'-3-\RH #4 >-> f8-> } <g-2-\RH #4 >16-> g, b g f'8-> |
<e-1-\RH #4 >16-> <g,-4-\RH #1 >\4 <bes-2-\RH #2 > g <ees'-3-\RH #4 >8-> <d-2-\RH #4 >16-> <fis,-4> <a-1> <fis> <bes-1>8->^\coda |
\alternative {
{ <g-\RH #3 >8\3-> <g-4-\RH #2 >16\4 <d-\RH #1 >\5 g\4 d\5 <g-3-\RH #3 >4-> <d-\RH #2 >8\5-> | }
{ g8-> g16\4 d\5 g\4 d\5 g4-> r8 | }
\repeat volta 2 {
\barre V { <b'-4-\RH #4 >16-> <g,-\RH #1 > <d'-3-\RH #2 > <g-4-\RH #3 >-> <a-1-\RH #4 >8-> <bes-3-\RH #3 >16-> <g,-\RH #1 > <c-\RH #2 > <c'-4-\RH #3 >-> <cis-4-\RH #4 >8-> } |
\barre VIII { <d-3-\RH #4 >16-> <ees,-\RH #2 > <a-3-\RH #3 > <ees-\RH #2 >-> <f-\RH #3 >8-> } \barre I { <g-4-\RH #4 >16-> <f,-3-\RH #1 > <aes-\RH #1 > <f-3-\RH #1 > <d'-4-\RH #3 >8-> } |
<bes-4-\RH #3 >16-> <bes,-2-\RH #1 > <d-\RH #1 > <g-\RH #3 >-> <a-2-\RH #4 >8-> \barre I { <bes-4-\RH #3 >16-> <ees,-\RH #1 > <bes'-\RH #2 > <c-\RH #3 >-> <cis-2-\RH #4 >8-> } |
<d-2-\RH #3 >16-> <fis,-3-\RH #1 > <a-1-\RH #2 > <e'-1-\RH #3 >-> <fis-1-\RH #4 >8-> <g-\RH #4 d-\RH #3 bes-\RH #2 >4->^"BIII -" r8 |
\repeat volta 2 {
<g-4-\RH #5 >16-> <a,-1-\RH #2 > <ees'-3-\RH #3 > a, ees'8 \barre III { <d-1-\RH #4 >16 <g,-4> <bes-1> g bes8 } |
\barre VI { <bes'-1-\RH #4 >16-> <bes,-2-\RH #1 > <des-1-\RH #2 > <a'-4-\RH #3 >-> <g-3-\RH #2 >8-> } \barre V { <a-1-\RH #4 >16-> <a,-2-\RH #1 > <c-1-\RH #2 > <g'-4-\RH #3 >-> <fis-3-\RH #2 >8-> } |
<g-4-\RH #4 >16-> <a,-1-\RH #2 > <ees'-3-\RH #3 > a, ees'8 \barre III { <d-1-\RH #4 >16-> <g,-4> <bes-1> g bes8 } |
\alternative {
{ <bes-4-\RH #3 >16-> <ees,-1-\RH #2 > <a-2-\RH #3 > <ees-\RH #2 > <bes'-4-\RH #3 >8-> \barre II { <a-1-\RH #3 >8-> <fis-3-\RH #1 >16 <a-1-\RH #1 > <d-2-\RH #3 > <fis-1-\RH #4 > } | }
{ <bes-4-\RH # 3 >16-> <ees,-1-\RH #2 > <a-2-\RH #3 > <ees-\RH #2 > <bes'-4-\RH #3 >8-> <a,-2 d,>4.->^\fermata | }
\bar "||"
%% Coda
\mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" }
\barre III { <g-4-\RH #2 >16-> <d-3-\RH #1 > <g-\RH #2 > <bes-\RH #3 > <d-\RH #2 > <g-\RH #3 > } <g'\harmonic>4.\fermata^"Octav." |
\bar "||"
second = \relative c {
\partial 8 s8 |
\repeat volta 2 {
<g-\RH #1 >4. f |
\once \override StringNumber #'padding = #2
e'4.\5 f |
<bes,\5-\RH #1 >16 <f'-2-\RH #1 > <bes-3-\RH #2 >8~ bes bes,16 f' bes8~ bes |
<d,,-\RH #1 >4.~ d |
g4. f |
<ees-\RH #1 >4. <d-\RH #1 > |
c'4. d, |
\alternative {
{ <g-\RH #1 >4. s | }
{ <g-\RH #1 >4. s | }
\repeat volta 2 {
<e'_2-\RH #1 >4.\5 <ees-2-\RH #1 >\5 |
<f-\RH #1 >4. <bes,-\RH #1 > |
<ees,-1-\RH #1 >4. <c'-3-\RH #1 > |
<d,-\RH #1 >4. <g_3-\RH #1 >4 r8 |
\repeat volta 2 {
<f'_2-\RH #1 >4.\5 <g,_3-\RH #1 > |
<ees'-\RH #1 >4. <d-\RH #1 > |
<f_2-\RH #1 >4. <g,_3 -\RH #1 > |
\alternative {
{ <c_3-\RH #1 >4. <d_4-\RH #1 > | }
{ <c_3-\RH #1 >4. <a d,>_"D.C. al Coda" | }
<g_2-\RH #1 >4. <g -\RH #1 > |
music = {
% \new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff = "guitar" \with {
midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"
fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
\override Fingering #'font-size = #-8
% Avoid collision between stems and string numbers
\override StringNumber #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
\override StringNumber #'add-stem-support = ##t
\override Fingering #'add-stem-support = ##t
\context Voice = "first voice" { \clef "G_8" \voiceOne \first }
\context Voice = "second voice" { \clef "G_8" \voiceTwo \second }
% \new TabStaff = "tab" \with {
% stringTunings = #guitar-drop-d-tuning
% }
% <<
% \context TabVoice = "tab first voice" { \clef "moderntab" \voiceOne \first }
% \context TabVoice = "tab second voice" { \clef "moderntab" \voiceTwo \second }
% >>
% >>
\score {
\score {
\midi {
\tempo 4 = 100
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