Kevin Patrick Barry <> writes:

> Thank you for the updated code; I can put an accidental in front of
> the numeral now just fine, but I can't seem to put one next to any of
> the numerals, or on its own (for altering the third above the bass).
> I tried various combinations of the following and the output either
> gave errors or printed the letters 's,' 'f,' or 'n' instead of the
> relevant accidentals:
> \markup \rN { sIV  f7 s5 }
> or
> \markup \rN { sIV  7f 5s }
> or
> \markup \rN { sIV  f 7 5 s }
> or even \rN { V n } seems to not work.
> Perhaps I have misunderstood the syntax?  I am also a theory teacher
> and the time saved would be very helpful!

Numbers are not word constituents in markup, so you likely need to write
"f7" and "7f" here.

David Kastrup

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