Curt Siffert wrote
> Hi, what is the easiest way to notate a 
>       V/V (probably looks just like that)
>       viidim7/ii (a vii followed by a dim circle superscript and a 7
> superscript, then a slash then a ii)
>       iim7b5/vi? (either m7b5 superscript, or a half-dim circle superscript,
> then a slash then vi)
> It doesn't look like chord mode likes it when I put i's and v's and I's
> and V's in there instead of note names.
> I see the snippet here: but am
> just curious if there is an easier way.
> Two use cases: 
>       - I thought it might be nice to put chord qualities on a jazz lead for
> easier transposition, probably above the staff, above or alongside the
> existing chord symbols.
>       - I am wanting to simply batch-generate a whole mess of those symbols
> completely by themselves, with no staff or note above/below.

it's not so easy to see what you mean exactly - could you provide some
initial code or a scanned picture of what should result?!



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