Valentin Villenave <> writes:

> On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 7:41 PM, David Kastrup <> wrote:
>> The GNU Manifesto is also not a legal statement, but a philosophical
>> one.  LilyPond is a GNU project and thus has subscribed to this
>> philosophy.  I did not remember plans to change that, and it is not like
>> it has served us badly.
> If LilyPond must be used more and more as a server application, then
> perhaps a switch to AGPL should be considered? (It only adds one
> section.)

That would prevent modified versions of LilyPond used in a service
without available source of the modified LilyPond executable itself.

It also means bad compatibility with GPL.  And a license change.

My personal take on this is that maintaining any nontrivial branch with
additional server functionality without contributing back is not all
that feasible for an external entity, given that we still improve
LilyPond, particularly its backend, continuously.

So I doubt that this is an issue that is worth pursuing, given its
trouble/payback ratio.

> Otherwise, the GPLv4 should (supposedly) merge the AGPL requirement so
> the switch will probably occur naturaly any decade from now :-)

Likely soon enough.

David Kastrup

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