Mogens Lemvig Hansen <> writes:

> Just some thoughts, sadly no solution.  Why don't we find some
> billionaire who can just hire David to do what David does best?

You'll find that billionaires tend to be a bit hard to approach since
there are millions of people with ideas that they could or should be
financing.  They would not be billionaires if it would faze them.

In the last LilyPond report, I cited "Grapes of Wrath":

    While one-time payments have declined somewhat, some more people
    pitched in with monthly payments for several months (3 to 12
    months). A surprisingly large ratio of one or more-time contributors
    have not committed to regular plans because they don’t feel that
    their own financial/job situation allows them to plan ahead that
    far. I was reminded of Steinbeck’s ``Grapes of Wrath’’ where Ma
    Joad, after getting credit in a store from a clerk rather than the
    store, says "`I’m learnin’ one thing good,’ she said. `Learnin’ it
    all a time, ever’ day. If you’re in trouble or hurt or need— go to
    poor people. They’re the only ones that’ll help— the only ones.’" Of
    course, the analogy is not all that fitting since I am appealing to
    those who have a fortune, namely that of being able to feel excited
    about a project like LilyPond.

David Kastrup

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