On 2012-05-24, at 12:56 PM, Jeff Barnes <jbarnes...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>> And actually, releasing source for free but binaries for fee makes
>> some sense.  
> Agreed. Especially on platforms where build environments aren't free 

But if I had to pay to update from 2.14 to 2.16, I just wouldn't, and never 
mind unstable 2.odd.  With fewer users updating, bugs would not be found and 
features not explored, appreciated, and improved.

I am not sure how much I would be willing to pay for Lilypond.  Can justify to 
my wife paying, say, $20 for some "free" software that I use occasionally and 
do not make any profit on?  I think I would be slightly more comfortable making 
a donation to Lilypond rather than to David Kastrup, even if in the end the 
money goes to the same purse.  Maybe the reason is that my donation would be in 
appreciation of what works, not payment towards future features.

Just some thoughts, sadly no solution.  Why don't we find some billionaire who 
can just hire David to do what David does best?


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