Hi again Svetlana,

I’ve revisited the functions for coloring symbols, and I've eliminated the
need to provide a list of every character your text might include.  This
was liable to cause problems (omissions not showing up in the score, the
problem with the non-breaking space you found, etc.) and slowed the whole
process down.  Now all you need is a list of the characters to color.  I
don't see any differences between my file and the results of your
example(3).ly, so I think I got the list of special characters right.

A better solution would be to adapt the earlier function I posted which
only worked for ascii characters to handle the full range of utf-8
encodings.  This should be easy to do if I could figure out how to get
Lilypond to recognize the extension functions Carl pointed out, but I can't
at this point.  [Thank you, Carl, for providing the links!]



Attachment: example (4).ly
Description: Binary data

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