On 01/11/2012 03:54 AM, Светлана wrote:
> Yeah, this works like I wanted, but there is one problem. The problem
> is called UTF-8. All is fine if you have latin lyrics and symbols to
> color from ANSI encoding. Then if you add cyrillic lyrics - the
> function messes all the letters. If you try to add some cyrillic
> symbols to color - lilypond crashes.
> I don't know if Scheme is capable of dealing with Unicode easily and
> if you have any expierience with it, but, please, give it a try. Btw,
> I've checked your first function. It works with cyrillic letters
> correctly (just don't forget to convert the files to UTF-8).

LilyPond is fine with UTF-8 (in fact, requires it), so this piqued my

I think the problem likely lies with the char->integer function; that
seems the most likely to mis-handle UTF-8 characters.

http://www.mailinglistarchive.com/lilypond-user@gnu.org/msg05363.html >
suggests it may be a Guile bug, or at least a quirk of Guile’s treatment
of strings and characters.

I don’t know enough of LilyPond internals to say if that’s a problem,
and will punt this back to them as does, but it does seem a likely

Chris Maden, text nerd  <URL: http://crism.maden.org/ >
“Be wary of great leaders.  Hope that there are many, many small
 leaders.” — Pete Seeger

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